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Then, suddenly, a crack sounds. I realize it’s the gun a second later. The hunter rifle in the taller man's hand cocks, the sound echoing ominously.

Aiden’s shaking, then he pushes me back roughly. I stumble, falling onto my butt. Pain shoots through my injured leg as I hit the ground. I hiss a breath, but the sight before me takes that same breath away entirely.

My eyes widen in shock. Aiden's body contorts and expands in a way that defies reality. Fur sprouts rapidly across his skin, his facial features elongate and reshape into something both terrifying and majestic.

I'm frozen in place, watching as the man transforms into a wolf. It's a sight that's both awe-inspiring and terrifying. In mere moments, Aiden is no longer a man but a massive, imposing wolf, his presence filling the space between us and the poachers.

He's fucking huge, his size and presence dwarfing everything around him.

"Wha—what the..." I can barely form words, my mind struggling to comprehend the impossible sight before me.

What I want to say is, what the fuck?

The poachers are equally stunned, their bravado faltering. "I told you there are werewolves here," the shorter one stammers to his companion, taking a step back.

Aiden is a werewolf?

I've heard about shifters, of course, the stories and rumors that float around the edges of society. But knowing they exist and seeing one transform are two entirely different things. I've never seen one before, never witnessed the raw, primal power of a transformation. The reality of it is both terrifying and mesmerizing.

"Aiden?" My voice is a whisper, a mix of awe and disbelief as I stare at the too-big wolf before me.

My brain tells me I should be scared, after all, shifters are dangerous. They're known to be violent, animalistic, barbaric…but instead, there's a strange sense of understanding, of connection, even in this bizarre, surreal moment.

The larger-than-life wolf turns to me, his eyes holding a depth of intelligence and emotion that confirms he is still Aiden, even in this form. The air is thick with tension, the threat from the poachers now overshadowed by the primal, powerful creature that stands protectively before me. But then he turns back to the poachers and a low, deep growl comes from him.

The scene erupts into chaos as the shorter poacher, overcoming his initial shock, yells at his companion, "Shoot it! Shoot it now!"

The taller poacher, his face a mask of fear and confusion, raises the gun, aiming shakily at the giant wolf that Aiden has become. His hands tremble, the gravity of the situation making him visibly uncertain.

But before he can pull the trigger, the wolf - Aiden in this incredible, fearsome form - springs into action. With a speed and agility that belies his massive size, he lunges at the poacher with the gun. The movement is a blur, a mix of power and primal instinct.

The gun goes off in a deafening blast, but it's clear the shot has gone wide, the poacher's aim thrown off by the sudden attack. Aiden's wolf form collides with the man, knocking the rifle away and pinning him to the ground with a force that leaves no room for resistance.

I sit frozen, useless, my heart pounding in my chest. The sensation of paralysis is overwhelming, each beat of my heart echoing loudly in my ears.

I want to cry or scream or run, but I do none of the above. It's as if my body has betrayed me, leaving me trapped in a state of shock, unable to respond to the danger that lurks so close.

In the midst of the turmoil, Aiden's wolf eyes meet mine, conveying a message that's both reassuring and warning – stay back, stay safe.

The other poacher, the shorter one, stumbles back, his face drained of color. It's evident in his wide, terror-stricken eyes that they've grossly underestimated the situation. With a glance at his trapped friend and then at the wolf, he makes a split-second decision and bolts into the forest, abandoning his companion in his haste to escape.

The taller poacher, now alone and pinned under Aiden's massive form, pleads desperately. "Please, let me go. I swear, we won't come back!"

The wolf, Aiden, steps off him but remains alert, his posture still menacing.

His intense gaze follows the poacher's every move. When the man makes a desperate attempt to reach for the rifle, Aiden lets out a deep, menacing growl. It's a clear, unspoken command that freezes the poacher in his tracks and sends a shiver through me. The poacher scrambles to his feet, abandoning the weapon, and runs off after his companion.

Aiden, still in his wolf form, watches them go, his stance imposing and vigilant. He makes no move to pursue them, his primary intent clear – to protect, not to chase.

The massive wolf tilts his head back and releases a long, chilling howl. A shiver tears through me at the sound.

The howl reverberates through the forest, and soon, answering calls echo back. The other wolves, distant and unseen, have received the message…whatever the message is.

Once the poachers are out of sight, Aiden turns back to me. His massive form approaches slowly as if he's aware of his intimidating presence.

I sit there, my heart still racing, my mind trying to wrap around the reality of what I've just witnessed.

He stops a short distance away, and his eyes, still recognizably his despite the transformation, hold mine.
