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As strange as it is to wake up in a cabin, instead of a hospital bed, he doesn’t strike me as a crazy ax-murderer. It isn’t just because of how attractive he is. Crazy ax-murderers are allowed to be hot. No, it’s something else. Something stirs in me under the fear. A sense of safety? I must have lost my mind.

"I live alone in these woods," he says, a hint of something unspoken lingering in his tone. "It was the closest safe place."

"Most people would just call an ambulance," I insist, trying to make sense of his actions.

"There's no service here. It's one of the drawbacks of living so far removed from everything."

Skeptical, I reach for my phone, which surprisingly, is right beside me. I unlock it, only to find that he's right. No signal. The realization that I'm completely cut off from the outside world sinks in.

He notices my concern and quickly assures me, "You're safe here, Emma. And your leg, it will heal nicely. I used a salve I made myself from local herbs."

There's a sincerity in his voice that I want to trust, yet the uncertainty lingers.

Seeing my hesitation, he adds, "I promise, as soon as you're able, I'll take you wherever you'd like to go. Tomorrow, if you feel up to it. It’s growing late now, and a storm’s come in."

He’s not wrong. I look towards the window, the sound of rain loud and the darkness outside evident.

Despite the rational part of my brain, I don’t feel unsafe with him. Quite the opposite, really.

As if reading my discomfort, Aiden stands up and leaves the room, returning shortly with a small bottle of pain relievers and a glass of water.

"These should help with the pain," he says, offering them to me.

"Thank you," I murmur, grateful for the gesture and more than eager to down a few.

He then asks gently, "Would you like to get cleaned up a bit?"

I nod, realizing how much I yearn for a semblance of normalcy. "Yes, that would be good."

As I try to stand, it becomes evident that I need help. My leg hurts. It doesn't appear broken, but the pain is sharp and demanding. Aiden is immediately by my side, offering his arm for support. As we slowly make our way to the bathroom, something pleasant fills my nose. After two breaths, I realize it's coming from him.

Aiden's scent is a surprising blend of pine and earth, mixed with a subtle hint of something like sandalwood. It's a natural, outdoorsy fragrance, comforting and strangely familiar. There must be something more seriously wrong with me than my leg, because his scent causes a heat to curl in my stomach, settling between my legs.

His arm is strong, and my thoughts wander with each step. What would it feel like to have his arms around me?

It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone intimately. That must be why I’m getting wet for the first man to show me attention.

Thankfully, the bathroom isn’t far and we’re there before my leg gives out entirely. I grab the counter for support, so I don’t have to lean on my leg.

As I adjust to the new space, Aiden disappears momentarily and then reappears with a set of clean clothes in his hands. "Thought you might want these," he says, placing them carefully on the counter where I can easily reach them.

Grateful for his thoughtfulness, I nod my thanks.

Aiden, sensing my need for privacy, excuses himself, mentioning something about needing to check the perimeter. I watch him leave, his figure retreating until he disappears from not only the bathroom but also the cabin, into the storm, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the faint, arousing scent of pine and sandalwood lingering in the air.

The cabin grows quiet, the only sound the crackling of the fire as I shut the bathroom door. I use a clean facecloth to give myself a bird bath, scrubbing my skin clean and avoiding the bandaging on my leg.

When I reach between my legs, I scrub extra hard at the traitorous wetness there, cleaning up any traces of my arousal.



While Emma bathes, I find myself needing to step outside.

The scent of arousal, sweet, and something like honey, had clung to her. Something in me nearly crumpled, nearly had me drop to my knees, eager for a taste.

However, that would scare her, and the last thing I want is to scare my little mate.
