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Her eyes sparkle with passion. "Yes. I love everything about plants and nature. Their complexity, their beauty... it's fascinating. I wish I could go to school for it, someday." She continues, her hands animated as she speaks. "I was actually searching for a rare herb native to this forest when I got caught in that trap. It's called Silvian’s Sage. It's supposed to be quite elusive, known for its unique healing properties."

I nod, intrigued. "I know the herb you're talking about. It’s one of many in the salve on your leg. Once your leg is healed, I'll show you where it grows."

Her smile broadens, a look of excitement and amazement crossing her face. "Really? That would be amazing!"

I share my knowledge of the forest, telling her about the medicinal properties of various herbs and the secret spots where the rarest flowers bloom. She listens with keen interest. This forest is full of secrets, and I've spent years uncovering them.

“How old are you, Emma?” I ask her, at one point.

She bites her bottom lip, as if shy to tell me, looking to her dish, then up to me. “Eighteen,” she admits.

Eighteen. She’s so young. I can barely recall how it feels to be eighteen now that I’m in my thirties. But regardless of her age, there is no doubt that she’s to be mine, that she is mine.

Fate cannot be argued with.

“And you said you wish to go to school for botany?”

“Well, yes, but right now I just… I work in a garden center in the city. It’s not ideal, but I get to be surrounded by plants all day long and it pays for my apartment. I just had the day off today so I drove out here,” she explains.

“Alone?” I ask, brows furrowing.

I want to lecture her on the dangers of wandering Heartwood Forest alone. The illegal poaching activity has been increasing.

“I don’t really have anyone to go with me,” she says with a shrug, though she worries her bottom lip.

That changes now. I will always go with her, wherever she wishes to go. Whether it is to look for sage or elsewhere.

"No one?" I shouldn't pry, but I'm curious about my mate's life.

She huffs, trying to appear nonchalant. "Well, my parents passed away when I was young, and I'm an only child. I've mostly kept to myself since then. It's just been easier that way." Her voice is steady, but I can see the flicker of pain in her eyes, the hint of loneliness she tries to hide.

I feel a pang of sympathy for her, a deep urge to protect and comfort. "I'm sorry to hear that," I say gently. I want to reassure her that she isn't alone anymore, that she has me now, however, I don't wish to scare her. It's a promise I make to myself and my wolf instead.

My wolf’s unease settles, happy with my resolve to protect my mate.

Our conversation ebbs and flows, a cautious yet revealing dance of words. We briefly move away from such somber topics, sharing stories of our favorite childhood memories, and discussing our favorite foods, and I find out she has an inexplicable love for pineapple on pizza, which she defends with a playful fervor. Then, we tread back towards more serious waters. She asks about my life in the forest, and I answer carefully, skirting the edges of my true identity.

Shifters are not unheard of in this region, but there is a stigma attached to our kind. Misunderstandings and fear have led to distrust and sometimes even violence. I know I can't keep it from her forever, but I wish to avoid the topic for now, hoping to build a stronger foundation before revealing the full truth of my nature.

"So, you've always lived out here, in the middle of nowhere?" she asks, a curious tilt to her head.

"In a way, yes," I reply. "The solitude suits me. There's a peace here you can't find in the city."

I notice the flicker in her gaze, a hint of understanding. She smiles softly, a gesture that feels like an acceptance.

"Hey, I get it. I live in this small apartment downtown. It's always so noisy and crowded. That's partly why I love botany so much. It's my escape, my chance to get out into the fresh air and connect with nature."

Listening to her, I can't help but think about how perfect she is for me, and how well she will fit into my life here. Her love for nature, her desire for something more than the chaos of city life – it resonates with me.

As she talks, I imagine what it will be like to have her here permanently, sharing this simple yet profound life, away from the noise and bustle of the world.

The thought brings a sense of hope and longing I hadn't anticipated.

As we finish our meal, I stand to clean the empty plates.

In doing so, my hand gently brushes against Emma’s as I collect her plate. The contact is brief, but in that fleeting touch, there's a warmth and a connection that speaks volumes. Her skin is soft under my fingertips, and I sense a subtle reaction from her – a slight pause, a soft intake of breath.

It's as if she can feel the bond that's forming between us too.
