Page 56 of Stolen Beauty

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“Removing your shoes. We’re going to lie together.”

I cannot swallow.

“Clothed. To warm you. To calm you. I think you might be in shock.”

“I’m not in shock.”

There’s a blanket lying on the back of the sofa, and he tugs it over us. A thick cobweb dangles in a single loop from the plain white ceiling.

“Come back to me, Sage.”

Body heat warms my right side. I roll into Knox. His fingers coax tangles from my strands. Tender. Caring. His thumb brushes my cheek, back and forth, the tip of his nose over mine. And then his lips. Soft. Tender. The press of his lips to mine warms me. Sweet and caring.

I’ve returned to dreamland and don’t want to wake.



Sinful sugar. I could hold her and kiss her all day. She curls her body against me, her thigh gliding over mine. Beneath the blanket, heat circulates between us. Her shirt rises and the pads of my fingers touch bare skin, tracing the curve of her hip to her spine. She vibrates against me, a long, slow thrum.

Everything about her is arousing, but most especially in this proximity. My lips press to hers and she opens for a sweet, tender kiss. It’s not going anywhere. My rock-hard dick might think otherwise, given she’s pressing down on him, rocking into him. All I want is to warm her up. To bring her out of the negative void. Doing more would be wrong. She’s shaken up after today. Terrified. Holding her. Kissing her. It’s to make her feel safe. While I’d love nothing more than to remove her clothes and sink into her, I won’t. We haven’t yet been on a date, and I swear I will treat this girl like gold. I owe it to Sam. To her.

She is so fucking sweet. The pressure on my hipbone intensifies. With closed eyes, her fingers wander across my shoulder, to my neck, into my hair. I press my lips to the corner of her mouth, gobsmacked by the sensual creature undulating against me, clearly wanting and needing more. My tongue traces the seam of her lips, eliciting an intoxicating moan. She grips my hair and directs my mouth back to hers, demanding a deeper kiss.

Her hips flex against me, the movement sexy as fuck. I shift her so one of my thighs is between her legs. We’re clothed but fuck if her movements don’t feel good. It’s so good that if she keeps on, I might lose control right here fully clothed. The last time I lay on a sofa making out like this with a girl with no intention of moving further must’ve been back in high school.

Her shorts have ridden up, exposing her round butt cheeks. The tips of my fingers sweep the center of her legs. Her panties are damp. Fuck me. She’s so turned on. Arousing doesn’t cut it. I want to flip her over and follow a deep, undeniable instinct. Tear off these shorts. Plunge into her. It would be the most natural action.

But this is Sage. I won’t. Can’t. Fuck. I want to.

She rides my thigh, working herself over me. With each thrust of her hips, my fingers glide against her panties. One finger, one very bad finger, inches the fabric aside, to her curls, to her heat. Other fingers join to cup her vulva, and fuck if she doesn’t like that. Desire flares like a blinding, deafening explosion.

And she freezes. Her muscles spasm. Her lips part as she shudders through a release before relaxing against me.

Holy shit. She just climaxed on my hand. That might’ve been the hottest thing I’ve seen. She mewls. Relaxed. Contented. My cock throbs.

The top of her head falls against my shoulder, the tip of her nose brushes along my neck, and her breathing slows, evening out. I flatten one palm against her butt.

I’m too on edge to fall asleep. So I lie there, holding her, feeling the soft thud of her heartbeat against my ribcage as her breathing settles into a slow, steady rhythm.

This is a first for me. Holding someone with no ulterior motives. Only to be there for her.

I press my lips to the top of her head. If this happened, if we happened, my parents would be over the moon. Mom used to ask about the Watsons all the time. And here’s another first. Me thinking about my parent’s reaction. Me envisioning a future with someone.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket. With ease, I shift, hoping not to wake her. If it’s HQ, I’ve got to answer. But it’s a text.

Felix Rosario

Call me

Would it kill you to give me a little more than that? Like me, Felix was Special Forces. We’re going through the same things. Adjusting to life outside the military. I left because my body told me time’s up. He left because his wife had a baby, and he missed his kid’s birth. It was a wakeup call for him. He also clocked his twenty and retired.

With my thumb, I tap out a quick response.



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