Page 27 of Embracing the Enemy

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“Is this just…some exciting way to get your dick wet, or is this something more?” I asked, and I immediately regretted it when a dark cloud moved over his face. He was still my boss, and since we hadn’t agreed to anything yet, I should have watched my words more carefully.

“Let’s get something straight here, Ms. Tinley,” he said purposefully. “I have more money than I could ever possibly spend in my lifetime. If I wanted an exciting way to get my dick wet, I could easily pay for any fantasy under the sun. I didn’t approach you because I like living on the edge.”

“Okay, then why did you approach me?”

“Because you fascinate me,” he answered. “Because sometimes you come across like a wounded bird, but other times, you come across like a spirited warrior. You’re timid, but you’re still outgoing. You’re fragile, but you’re still strong. You’re vulnerable, but you’re still brave. You’re quiet, but you’re still confrontational. I have no idea who you are, and I find it incredibly fascinating to see which version of you I’ll be dealing with whenever I talk to you.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. Since I’d been a little girl, I had lived my life in a way that I hoped no one would notice me. Life had felt safer that way. In the sixth grade, Lennon had given me no choice when she had forced our friendship, and now Killian Warrick wasn’t letting me go unnoticed, either.

He saw me.

“I’m a complete mess,” I confessed. “That’s why you see all those different versions of me.” If he was going to be honest, then he deserved the truth. “Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, I’m a complete mess.”

Killian stepped towards me, and I held my ground as he kept walking until he was standing right in front of me. “And you think that I’m not?” he asked softly. “Because I have news for you, Posie; we’re all a fucking mess.”

I looked up into his blue eyes and believed him. Whatever drove Killian Warrick to spend all his money on helping people, it couldn’t be simply because he was an angel. Something in his life had led him down this path, and only victims were driven this fiercely to help other victims.

“This is a bad idea,” I whispered. “You know that, right?”

His hand came up to cradle the side of my neck, and the warmth from his touch slithered down my body, all the way to my toes. “The worst,” he agreed.

“We’re probably going to crash and burn,” I muttered, my body feeling like it was on fire.

“No doubt about it,” he agreed again, his other hand coming up to grab the other side of my neck.

“Wh…what are…are you…doing, Killian?”

“Showing you all the reasons why I think that you’re worth crashing and burning for,” he answered right before his lips came down on mine.

My hands automatically grabbed onto the lapels of his suit jacket, and all I could do was hold on as Killian kissed me down to my soul. Though his kiss was firm and insistent, I didn’t feel threatened by it. Though his hold on my face was domineering, I wasn’t panicking. Though his presence felt overwhelming, I didn’t feel scared.

I felt eager.

I felt way in over my head.

Chapter 16


I stood in front of Posie’s front door, and I’d never felt this powerless before. I’d felt helpless when Ellie had been attacked, but never this powerless.

After I had kissed Posie in my office earlier, it had taken every ounce of strength that I’d had not to take her in my office. Kissing her had felt like tasting forever, and more intoxicating than having the taste of her on my tongue, was how she’d held onto me, rather than pushing me away. Even when I had deepened the kiss, had taken when I had sworn that I wouldn’t, Posie hadn’t stopped me. The woman had kissed me back with unintentional promises that everything was going to be okay between us. She had kissed me back with enough passion in her lips to almost make me forget that she had suffered in one of the most horrible ways imaginable.


When we had finally come up for air, I had ended up sending her on her way as if she hadn’t just upended my life. I had sent her on her way with the promise that I’d see her later.

So, now I was here, at her front door, feeling powerless to be anywhere else.

I knocked on the door, and I hadn’t had to wait long before Posie was opening the door, her face giving nothing away for once.

“Posie,” I greeted, refusing to call her Ms. Tinley off the clock.

“Killian,” she greeted back, and I wanted her to call me by my name all the time. No Mr. Warrick anymore, even at work.

When she stepped back to allow me to walk inside, I looked around her condo as she shut the door behind her. It was rather modest for someone with her bank accounts, but it suited her. Knowing what I knew about her, I couldn’t imagine that a huge, empty, dark place would be a comfortable place for her to sleep at night. Then that thought had me wondering if she slept at all.

Turning to look at her, her back was up against the door, one hand still on the doorknob, and she was looking at me intently.
