Page 75 of Embracing the Enemy

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“I’m sorry,” I quickly rushed out. “That was rude-”

“Don’t worry about it,” Mattia said easily. “We get it.”

“You know what would solve all this awkwardness?” We all looked at Killian. “If we went medieval and arranged some marriages between the third-generation Benettis and third-generation Reeds, Marlows, McIntires, and McCellans.” Was he insane? “We’d all be one perfect, happy, little family then.”

“That’s enough to give any man nightmares,” Vincent said, but he was smiling as he said it.

Killian was also all smiles. “At any rate, thanks for coming.”

“We wouldn’t have missed it,” Mattia replied. Then, looking over at me, she said, “If you ever need anything, just let us know.”

“Uh…uhm…th…thanks,” I stammered, my heart beating solidly in my chest.

When the pair went off to mingle, I looked up at Killian and he was still smiling. “That wasn’t so bad, right? Meeting Vincent Fiore and The Holy Ghost.”

My eyes widened. “What? She’s…? Mattia is…”

“I should have introduced her as Mattia Mancini Vitale,” he said. “As you can tell from their eyes, they’re related. Cousins, actually.”

I eyed him. “You were…you were kidding right? About marrying off the third generation?”

“I was,” he chuckled softly. “I just…I still don’t like it when you’re wary around me.”

“It could be worse,” I teased. “I could be married to a banker right now, bored out of my mind.”

Killian wrapped his arms around me. “Like I would have ever let that happen.”

The End.
