Page 15 of Bad Intentions

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That night,for the first time in longer than I could remember, I dreamed, and it wasn’t the kind of dream you told your parents about around the breakfast table. In it, I was lying in bed, and a heavy weight was pinning me down. My body was alive with sensation. Burning-hot skin pressed against mine. Strong hands imprisoned my wrists above my head. Warm, soft lips moved up my neck.

I should have been scared, but I wasn’t.

“Don’t get on my bad side, Bug,”a deep voice whispered in my ear.

One of his hands gripped my throat, holding me in place. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. I couldn’t do anything but feel his hands on me, breaking all the rules without a care in the world.

“Or do – more fun for me.”

It could only be one person. Only one person had ever spoken to me like that.Cayden West.

I woke suddenly, my body hot and wet and wanting. I stared at the moonlit wall opposite my bed, waiting for my heart to calm. My whole body felt heated, like I’d been standing too close to a furnace or had a low-grade fever. I pushed my hair back from my sticky forehead and took a deep, shuddering breath. I slipped out of bed and grabbed my journal and pen from my desk. Describing the dream made it more real. Cayden West. The new boy who’d knocked me on my ass, hauled me around a party, and threatened me all in a forty-eight-hour period. And I – Lily Williams, touch-starved good girl – had just had a sex dream about him.

Once I emptied my sleep-dazed thoughts onto a blank page, I reached for my water and gulped it down. Maybe that would return some sanity to my feverish mind. What was wrong with me?

He doesn’t play by the rules, he wouldn’t care about your father’s threats. He would take what he wanted and never even give you a choice.

I shivered, the thoughts curling through the edges of my mind like wisps of smoke, too unformed to grab on to. Regardless, just the memory of the dream had my body responding. It was official. I was playing a dangerous game, building up an endless supply of raging teenage hormones without any kind of outlet. One day, it might just boil over and I’d become the girl who went insane from unsatisfied lust.

Returning to bed, I slid under the covers. The sweat that had slicked my body while I dreamed, was cold now, and I shivered. My body felt twitchy and awake from the dream. I ran my hand down myself, over my breasts. My nipples were hard, straining against my T-shirt. Shame and embarrassment coated me as I let my hand drift lower, under the elastic of my shorts. I was all hot and wet down there, and even my thighs were sticky. I slid my hand under my panties to check.Yup. It’s bad.My own meager explorations had been the only action I’d ever had downstairs, and those experiences had been sorely lacking. It felt good when I touched myself, and I knew enough about human biology to understand the components, but I’d never managed to make myself come. I’d read up about it and approached it in the most scientific way I could, and yet I was still orgasm-free.

There had to be a variable I wasn’t factoring in. Given that dream tonight and my body’s reaction to it, it seemed clear what that variable was. I was missing another person. Namely, one who would pin me down and take what he wanted from me. Just that thought sent a fresh, slick wave of want through me. I slid my virgin fingers around my clit, rubbing in a circle. It felt good, better than usual. I let the dream fill my mind again, imagining the heavy feeling of Cayden’s body against mine, picturing the way his hand held my neck. I had no choice. I wasn’t breaking my parents’ rules and I wasn’t letting them down. It wasn’t my fault. I moved my fingers faster on my wet pussy, and for once, I felt myself rising. Maybe the elusive O could finally be mine.

Outside, a car door slammed, jolting me up in my bed, my impending orgasm slipping from reach.

Who the hell is out at this time of night?

We didn’t live close enough to anyone else for it to be a neighbor. I slipped out of bed and peeked around the curtain. It was raining heavily. I couldn’t make out too much. My bedroom was on the ground floor, beside the spare room. My parents’ room was upstairs.

My father had been out? I checked my glow-in-the-dark clock. Three a.m.

Curiosity pulled me from the safety of my room. I drifted down the hall, wrapping my huge fluffy robe around me and perching my glasses on my nose.

The lights blazed in the kitchen. My father stood in the middle, his raincoat wet and his hair shining. My mother stood in front of him in a robe and slippers. They argued quietly. The front door stood open, and a cold wind blew through the room and down the hall, winding around my legs. A shadow lurked just outside the door, leaning against the wall, just out of the rain. A person, shrouded in darkness. I somehow knew his eyes were on me, despite not being able to make out a damn thing but his vague outline. Just like that day in the parking lot, when that dark hood had hidden glittering sea-blue eyes from me, I knew exactly who was standing in the rain outside my house at three a.m.

I couldn’t make out everything they were saying, but my mother gestured wildly toward the shadow outside, and my father made those hand gestures he always used to try and quiet her. After a few minutes like that, my mom turned on her heel, angrily storming through the house.

“Mom, what’s going on?” I called.

“Ask your father!”

Her snapped reply made me even more curious about what was going on. Something out of the ordinary was happening.

I approached the kitchen. My dad shrugged off his coat and wiped his feet on the mat, then turned to hold the door open for our unexpected guest.

“Come on in, Cayden, make yourself at home,” my dad said. Coach Eric was always polite and warm. Everyone loved him. The town good guy.

Cayden didn’t have a jacket on. His thin, holey hoodie was soaked through on the shoulders, and his sneakers squeaked with water. He carried a black trash bag in one hand. His hood was up, his face shadowed. That dark oval turned toward me as I stood in the doorway, feeling like a kid in my oversized robe.

“Lily, Cayden is going to be staying with us for a while,” Dad said and threw me a distracted smile, his gaze straying along the hall in the direction my mother had gone. “Honey, can you get Cayden a towel? It’s really coming down out there. Then take him to the spare room, and show him how to use the shower and all that. I have to talk to your mother before she goes back to sleep. Cade, see you at breakfast, seven o’clock sharp.”

Instructions given, Eric clapped Cayden on his soaking-wet shoulder and left the room. Being the high school coach, my father was used to being obeyed.

Cayden West was staying with us?

I was rigid with tension as I watched my father walk down the hall, leaving me alone with the boy who’d done nothing but threaten me since we’d first met.
