Page 29 of Bad Intentions

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“Fine, after you give me something.”

“What?” I pushed against his chest, needing some air. Being so close to Cayden made it hard to think.

He let me back away but slowly followed.

My back hit the trunk of a tree. He’d been herding me, and I’d fallen for it like an idiot. Now, he caged me against the bark with both hands.

“I have to admit that reading your journal last night, and knowing my cum was touching your cunt all day yesterday, has been on my mind.”

His shocking words stole away my breath. I could only stare at him, stunned.

“So, as payment for distracting me all day, to get your assignment back – I want a taste.”

“A taste?” I nearly squeaked. It was more innocent than I’d imagined and more shocking.

He nodded, leaning down, brushing his lips against mine.

“A taste,” he repeated, using one hand to cup my jaw and hold me in place as he sealed my lips with his.

His lips were soft and insistent at the same time. His mouth moved over mine, biting and sucking, daring me to respond. It was like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was better than I’d ever imagined anything could feel.

When I gasped against his lips, overcome by the onslaught of feelings, his tongue pushed inside my mouth, sliding along mine, wet, and urgent, melting me into his arms.

My first real kiss.

My first kiss was with Cayden West.No.This guy was dangerous, a bully, a psycho. I couldn’t just stand here and let him take whatever he felt like from me. He was threatening me.He read my journal!My teeth found their way around his lower lip, and I bit down before I could overthink it. The taste of hot metal filled my mouth, and Cayden jerked back.

“Fuck,” he sighed and touched his mouth. His lip was bleeding, the sudden red a shocking sight on his tanned skin. He traced a fallen droplet with his thumb and slid his index finger back and forth over the cut.

I was paralyzed right there, watching him, his blood still lingering on my tongue.

His blue eyes fell to mine and narrowed. “If you think that’s going to stop me – you’re wrong.” His bloody hand lashed out and pressed against my neck, circling it like a tight necklace, while his knee slid between my legs, nestling at the apex of my thighs. It was like I’d mounted his knee, and I couldn’t move off it without his permission.

“Nothing will stop me, you should understand that now…it’ll save you a lot of time later.” With a soft growl he leaned in, tightening his grip around my neck, just hard enough that my head spun a little. “Am I doing it right?” he wondered against my skin, his bloody lips brushing my mouth. “Does it feel like you dreamed?”

Am I doing it right?Of course, my dream. The one he’d read about. I wished I could remember all the filthy things I’d written in there.

I didn’t have a chance, though, because Cayden lowered his head and kissed me again. This time there really was no escape. The tang of his blood filled my mouth, and he seemed not to feel the cut at all as he kissed me way harder than before. He didn’t wait for my lips to part for him this time, he simply forced his way inside, plunging his tongue in and out of the hot cavern of my mouth, making me tremble. It was crude, vulgar even. I hadn’t known until this moment that kissing alone could be X-rated.

He kissed me mercilessly, even when spots burst in front of my eyes. I could only breathe through my mouth; his lips denied me all but the briefest gasps of air. I swayed into him, my body warm and weak. He held me up like the unmovable object he was, unbreakable, while I lost my goddamn mind. His thigh nudged against me, his knee right under my pussy. My skirt was rucked up by his leg, and his movements rubbed against me just right. I was so wet. I felt like I was floating, and only his touch tethered me to the world.

In the distance, more than a world away, a bell rang. I should care more about the bell. It was important. The thought was dim, barely registering.

When Cayden pulled away, he was breathing heavily, his hot breath puffing out against my forehead. I clutched his T-shirt, my mind hazy. He held me just like that for a moment, still gripping my throat so tight that I could barely breathe. He took in my half-closed eyes and reddened lips, puffy from his violent kissing, and his blood. It felt like a stain of ownership. Slowly, he released my neck, and air filled my lungs again. I gulped it down greedily, the stars in front of my eyes staying with me, even as I pushed him away and turned toward the tree, struggling to get my balance.

I sensed Cayden watching me as I tried to come back to Earth. Then the white square of my painting fell at my feet. I glanced up, my hand still pressed to my aching chest, to see him walking away. He left me behind without a second glance.


I was late to art.It was the last class of the day, and I knew Lily was going to be there. I couldn’t bring myself to go right away. I needed ten minutes to calm down. I paced the woods until she was safely inside the building, and then followed.

As soon as I walked in, late and unapologetic about it, Lily’s horrified eyes had been glued to me. Ms. Sophie, the pretty art teacher, had been understanding of a new student being late and caught me up on what everyone else had been doing. Best of all, she put me in a seat to the left of Lily, just behind her. I could see every move she made. She was tense, her shoulders bunched up under her ears. I wondered if she’d had time to wash off the bloody necklace of fingerprints I’d left around her neck.

“Hey, West,” Asher whispered beside me.

I glanced over at him. I was on the fence about the so-called Ice Gods. Sure, it might be the very first time I’d be able to say I had friends, but on the other hand, if they got in the way of me playing my best game, I didn’t need them.

“Were you with Lily?” Asher asked.
