Page 60 of Bad Intentions

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He was a large shadow near my feet, a slice of moonlight falling across his naked torso, illuminating every ripple of muscle on his fine form.

“Reminding you whose ass this is,” he murmured back and brought a hand down hard on my ass cheek.

The crack felt like a gunshot. I nearly rolled right off the bed. Only his huge, immoveable hand holding my thigh kept me in place.

“Now, shut the fuck up like a good girl and stop pretending you don’t like it. Liars get spanked.”

A rolling wave of heat went through me as his hand returned to my cleft, his knees shoving my legs further apart. I was facedown and spread-eagled before him, and all I could think was that he was right. I did like it. I liked this. Even though only a few hours ago, I’d been so angry I could have ripped his head off, now, my body was melting into the mattress. I was such a pushover, it was ridiculous. This was the danger of having literally no experience at the age of eighteen…making terrible decisions as soon as you found someone who made you feel something, anything at all. Anger, fear, hate, and love, they all seemed to bleed into each other right now. I couldn’t tell them apart, and at that moment, I didn’t want to. I just wanted to feel free again, just for a second, and not care about the consequences.

His finger worked into me, and I arched my back into the feeling. His thumb found my clit, and he rubbed it while finger-fucking me.

I rose quickly. It was too much like my dreams to stop myself. Just when I thought I was about to tip over and come, he stopped, and his other hand smacked my ass hard.

“Hey,” I hissed at him, disappointment about not coming humming through my veins.

“This is for the jersey,” he said firmly, and then his fingers moved again inside me, and the sting on my backside faded as pleasure rose through me again.

Once more, just when I was about to come, he stopped and smacked my ass instead. The anticipation for the spanks was heightening everything. It felt good. It felt amazing. I could never confess that guilty fact, or I’d crumble into dust and disappear forever.

“This is for holding his fucking hand,” Cayden said, pumping his fingers back into me.

I was a dripping mess, my own juices working down my thighs. I’d never been so wet or so desperate to come.

“Okay, I get it. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry. Just let me come,” I pleaded, pushing my ass back against him, trying to tip myself over the edge.

Cayden made a noise of sympathy. “I wish it could be over so quickly, Freckles, but remember next time not to do the crime if you can’t do the time.” He leaned in so his hot breath scorched my ear. “We’re just getting started.”


The next night,I took the first step in fighting back against Cayden. I couldn’t think about the hours we’d spent in my bed the night before, when he’d edged me to the point of near insanity. When he’d finally let me come, the pleasure had been so great, I’d been struck dumb for ten whole minutes. During that time, he’d jerked himself off over my bare back, and rubbed his cum into my skin like moisturizer, then left me tucked up tightly. I’d never felt more depraved. I’d never felt freer. Still, it only confirmed that Cayden West was a menace to my sanity, and I needed to even the playing field.

“Tuesday night, Midnight Falls. What will the evening bring us?” Eve spoke in a grandiose tone.

“Hopefully something we can use to put Cayden West back on his leash,” I muttered, linking arms with her as we left the bus station downtown.

It was only late afternoon, but there was already an ominous feeling as we headed down Main Street. You could see how run-down the town was, especially compared to Hade Harbor. Trash littered the streets, and a lot of the windows on the main shopping drag were boarded up and covered in graffiti. More than a fair share of shifty looking people loitered on street corners, and every now and again a police cruiser moved slowly along, eyeing the tweakers and dealers but not stopping.

“Well, this is just as nice as local gossip would have us believe,” Eve murmured, casting a worried look around. “Thank God I didn’t tell Ash I was coming here. He never would have let me.”

“Yeah, well, I promise we won’t stay here longer than necessary. Let’s just get some dirt and go. Where should we start?”

Eve stopped in the street, tapping her lip as she thought about it. I became aware of how many eyes were on us. Eve wasn’t an inconspicuous person to walk around with. She was so stunning, she drew attention everywhere she went, and I was starting to think that was a dangerous thing to do in Midnight Falls.

“School’s over, but hockey practice might not be. Let’s head there first. Cayden played for the team, right?”

“Yeah, he did. Let’s head over there.”

We set off toward the local high school. It wasn’t too far, thankfully, and before long we were heading through the glass doors of the rink.

Cayden’s old team was just finishing up. A few girls sat watching the practice. The coach was nowhere in sight. The rink was run-down and depressing. It had that faded feeling of a place that had given up. I could see why Cayden wanted out of here.Not that I’m sympathizing with him,I reminded myself sternly.

“Look, let’s ask the girls. We’re here for a reason,” Eve muttered, proving herself to be so much braver than me by approaching the small group of onlookers.

A guy on the ice whistled our way, probably eyeing up my friend. He moved with casual confidence on the ice, and every head turned his way as he skated toward us. He stopped himself by hanging over the boards, then beckoned me closer.

“You go, I’ll try these guys,” Eve said, a woman on a mission.

I started down the stairs toward the player. He was hot, the kind of hot that spelled trouble, just like Cayden.
