Page 32 of Side By Side

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“Where are you?” Catalina asked.

“I got up early and decided to go for a run. I’ll be back at the hotel soon, and we can head to the airport,” she said into her phone as the SUV pulled up to the Ice Park. “I’m basically all packed, so I’ll just shower, and we can go.”

“You’re basically all packed? What does that mean?”

“That everything except for my toiletries, what I’m wearing now, and what I’ll wear to the airport is packed, so I’m all good. Now, I’m about to start running, so I’ll talk to you at breakfast. I assume you want to eat before we go, too.”

“Yes, obviously. The hotel restaurant opens at seven. See you then.”

“I’ll be there.” Chandler hung up the phone. “Thank you,” she said to the driver.

“Not a problem. Should I wait?”

“Yes, please. I’d really appreciate it,” she said and got out of the car without waiting for him to open her door.

She closed it behind her and walked up to the two glass doors of the Ice Park. Belle hadn’t wanted to skate the night before because she’d had to close up, and her dad was around until after that, too, so she’d said that Chandler could come by in the morning before anyone else got in to set up for the day. They hadn’t worked out what she should do when she got there, though, and she hadn’t thought to get Belle’s phone number, which she only just now realized was not smart of her. She went to knock on the glass, hoping that Belle would be able to hear that knock from wherever she was in the building, but she didn’t have to because Belle was inside and walking toward the door, holding a cup of something that was likely coffee.

“Hey,” Belle greeted when she pushed open the door after unlocking it.

“Hey. Is that for me?”

“No,” Belle replied and took a sip.

“Oh,” Chandler let out.

“There’s a pot in the concession stand if you want some, though.”

“I shouldn’t. I don’t have much time. I’m leaving.”

“I remember,” Belle said and took another sip. Then, she held it out. “Have this one. I’ll make one after you go.”

“Thanks,” Chandler replied, probably sounding a little surprised. She took the cup from Belle and breathed in the hot, bitter liquid. “Black?”

“One sugar.”

“No cream?”

“Do you want the coffee or not?” Belle chuckled.

“I want it,” Chandler replied and took a drink. “Oh, that’s awful. You sure there’s sugar in there?”

Belle took the cup back from Chandler’s outstretched hand.

“Yeah, the caffeine’s not worth it,” Chandler added. “I’ll have some at breakfast or something.” She coughed.

Belle laughed and said, “I like it strong so that it tastes like coffee.”

“I like it with a lot of cream and sugar so that it doesn’t,” Chandler replied.

“I bet your Starbucks drink is pink,” Belle stated and took another drink.

“No, it’s not, actually.”

“Khaki-colored, then?”

“It’s a non-fat, sugar-free caramel macchiato without the caramel drizzle, obviously no whipped cream, and usually iced. But I rarely get it.”
