Page 42 of Side By Side

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“She couldn’t get here any earlier so we don’t lose the whole day?”

“She’s literally leaving her whole life, including her full-time job. She had things to take care of there, so give her a break, Cat.”

“Fine. But it’s an hour from the airport, so I suppose we’ll be eating at seven to give her some time to settle in?”

“I suppose so,” Chandler replied, mocking how snooty her sister sounded.

“You remember that I reserve the right to rescind this offer you’ve made, right?”

“You made it, too. And no, you can’t rescind it.”

“You said that. I never agreed to it.”

“I told her, Cat. I told her that if she came here, we wouldn’t just tell her to turn around and go home.”

“That’s always the case, though. If it’s not working with your partner, they go. It’s business, Chandler. Not personal.” Catalina shook her head. “I can be the one to deliver the news, should it come to that, so you don’t have to. I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again.”

“Cat, no.”

“No, what? No, you want her to stay here and possibly risk everything even if it’s not working? That’s what you want?”

“No, but–” Chandler set her coffee cup down. “Cat, this is important to me.”

“I know that.”

“No, not the skating part. I mean, of course, that’s important to me. I’m clinging to any chance of getting selected after being in this system officially since I was twelve years old. And I’ve always been on the outside looking in, so it’s important for that reason, yes, but I hurt Belle a long time ago, and I told her if she came here, I wouldn’t just send her home.”

“Chandler, you–”

“No, just… If it’s not working, we’ll figure it out. Just promise me that you won’t send her packing on day one and that you’ll give it a chance. I can’t screw with her life like this again.”

“What are you talking about, Chandler? How did you screw with her life?”

“You know I knew her before.”

“Yes, obviously.”

“And you know she left the program.”


“I’m the reason she left.”


“I didn’t treat her well, okay? I wasn’t nice to her,” she lied. “I ganged up on her with the other girls, and we were mean to her.”


“Because we were bitchy teenage girls.” She sighed. “Belle wasn’t like us. She didn’t have her own private rink at home to train in, the best coaches, and the money for all the outfits and skates.”

“She was in the same program you were.”

“Yeah, on a scholarship, because she was that good. But it didn’t pay for everything, and we… all made fun of her for it. So, eventually, she left, and I’ve never forgiven myself for being that person to her.”

“Damn, Chandler. This is the person you want to skate with now? Are you sure? What if she’s harboring a grudge, and she’s going to drop you on the ice?”

“She’s not.”
