Page 82 of Healing the Twin

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“Then stop kissing me like that.”

“If you’re already this loud when all we do is kiss, I doubt we’ll be able to pull off more than that.”

“I’ll try, okay? Now kiss me again.”

Oh, Fir was getting bossy. I loved it. I kissed him again, meanwhile fumbling to get both of our underwear out of the way. If there was an elegant way to do that, I hadn’t found it yet, and by now, I doubted I ever would.

I gently pressed him down until he was resting against the soft sheets. My gaze traveled over his naked form, taking in every beautiful detail from the curve of his shoulders to the rise and fall of his chest and of course those freckles I’d become so fond of.

“God, you’re gorgeous,” I murmured, unable to tear my eyes away from him.

“Look who’s talking…” Desire smoldered in his eyes, making me burn that much hotter.

“Can we… Would you be okay going bare? I haven’t been with anyone else but you since my last test.”

He nodded. “Same. I’d love that.”

I leaned down and captured his lips with mine in a searing kiss that seemed to set my soul alight. Our bodies pressed together, skin against skin, a mixture of heat and desire that burned hotter with each stroke of our tongues, each slide of our lips, each second that we kissed. The taste of him was intoxicating, and I wanted to kiss him for hours.

“Tell me…” I nibbled on his earlobe as my hands romanced his body. “Tell me how much you want me, meu amor.”

“You know I do. Wanna feel you inside me, baby.”

Something had changed. The fire between us was still there, burning as hot as ever, but something else had been added. A tenderness, a gentle softness that wrapped around us both, as if forming a cocoon for us to exist in.

Between kisses, I slicked up. We’d had sex earlier that day, so Fir wouldn’t need much prep. What a strange feeling to do this without condoms—a first for me. In my entire life, I’d never forgone them. Ever.

“Please, baby,” Fir whispered, his voice thick with need. “I need you.”

Our kisses slowed as I slid inside him, filling him inch by inch until we were completely joined. One body, but it felt as if our souls were inextricably linked as well. As if a part of mine was missing, but instead, I had a part of myelf inside him.

“I’ve never felt this close to anyone else,” I whispered. “I love you so much.”

His smile was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. “I love you too.”

We kissed, and we made love because that was what it was now. Not urgent, frantic sex—though I had no doubt we’d have that at times as well—but slow, sensual lovemaking, an endless exploration of each others’ bodies between languid kisses. I kissed him everywhere I could reach while staying inside him, and he did the same to me, caressing and stroking my shoulders and chest, my arms and face.

“You’re so goddamn beautiful,” he said with a happy sigh. “You truly take my breath away.” He smiled. “But I love who you are on the inside even more.”

He couldn’t have given me a better compliment. Knowing he loved how I looked was one thing, but the deep realization he truly knew me and loved me anyway? That was a thrill like nothing else.

We lost track of time as we brought each other pleasure until the pressure inside became too much. We came at the same time, a calm orgasm rolling over us like a gentle wave on a big ocean. But god, it lasted forever until we were out of breath, clinging to each other. When I could move again, he was half-asleep, mumbling something unintelligible when I asked him how he felt.

Smiling, I carefully got out of bed. He barely woke up when I cleaned him first, then myself. When I crawled back into bed, he snuggled into my arms again and, within a minute, snored softly.

I lay there, stroking his hair, happier than I had ever been.



Las Vegas was nothing like I had imagined it. I’d thought it would be romantic and glamorous, but instead, it was raunchy and dirty, with drunk people everywhere, and it smelled like smoke and weed. Yet it was perfect.

Tomás had gifted me two tickets to U2 for my birthday, leaving the choice with me who I wanted to take. Duh, of course I was bringing him, and not just because he promptly insisted on paying for everything, including a first-class flight from Seattle to Las Vegas and a swanky hotel suite at the Bellagio. Not a room but an actual suite with a separate bedroom and a bathroom bigger than my bedroom back home. The man traveled in style, and it was a good thing I loved Forestville so much. It would be so easy to get used to this lifestyle.

The concert was on Saturday, but Tomás had suggested flying in on Friday and coming back on Monday so we could make it a long weekend, and I hadn’t needed much persuasion. The kids were with my parents and having a blast, and they’d loved it when we’d FaceTimed them from our suite and shown them how ridiculously luxurious it was.

Hand in hand, we strolled down the Strip, swerving between drunk people, dressed-up performers, and scantily clad showgirls who were trying to lure us to their venue—until they saw we were holding hands. Yup, barking up the wrong tree there.
