Page 17 of Dragon's Surprise

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He never chased patients. At the beginning of his career, yes, but he’d soon found out that if people didn’t choose therapy themselves, the results were often abysmal. As cliché as it was to state that someone wasn’t ready to talk, it was often true. So Delton had learned to wait until his patients came to him.

“It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”

Sivney plopped down on the soft grass next to Delton, who had found a perfect shady spot under a big tree to read. Not that he had gotten far in his book, his mind too distracted by other things.

“It is.”

“How have you been?”

Delton looked sideways and chuckled. “Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind? Small talk isn’t your forte.”

Sivney rolled his eyes. “I know. But I was checking in with you, seeing if you were okay.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you had to watch the man you’ve been in love with for god know how long have endless sex with someone else?”

Delton inhaled so sharply that his lungs seized, and it took a good thirty seconds of furious coughing to catch his breath again.

“Sorry, sorry…” Sivney awkwardly patted his shoulder. “Clearly, I should’ve given you a warning before saying that.”

“You think?”

“I thought you knew.”

“Knew what?”

“That I was aware of your…feelings for Adar.”

Kill. Him. Now. “I wouldn’t call them feelings. More of an…”


Delton sighed, throwing up his hands. “Whatever. I don’t know the right word for it, and recognizing, identifying, and labeling emotions is my job, so there you have it.”

“You thought he was your mate.”

What was the point of denying it? “I did. Until Oliver showed up.”

“You don’t think the three of you could be mates?”

Delton’s shoulders sagged. “In all the time I’ve been here, Adar has never looked at me twice. He didn’t even talk to me, not until he asked me to supervise him during Oliver’s heat.”

Sivney put his hand on Delton’s arm. “I didn’t know about that. If I had, I swear I would’ve stopped it. Why didn’t you say no?”

If Delton had sensed even an ounce of pity in Sivney’s demeanor, he would’ve walked away. But it was compassion and understanding, not the omega feeling sorry for him, and that Delton could accept. “Because Adar’s request was reasonable, and if it had been anyone else, I wouldn’t have hesitated. He was looking out for Oliver, and knowing what I did about what that poor guy has been through, how could I not do what was in my power to ensure his safety and well-being?”

Sivney squeezed his arm, then let go. “That speaks volumes about your character. I’m not sure I could have done it had it been Naran.”

“That’s different. You’re in love with Naran. Adar and I have never exchanged more than a few words, polite pleasantries at best. I can hardly claim to have a relationship with him, not to the extent where this would be a conflict of interest.”

“You can debate me all you want, but I stand by what I said. You’re a class act, Delton, and what you did for Oliver came at a personal sacrifice. I want you to know I’ve seen that, and I’m not the only one.”

Delton froze. “Please, for the love of everything, tell me it isn’t common knowledge that I was hoping for Adar and me to be together.”

“Common knowledge? I wouldn’t go that far, but you two have been the topic of conversation and speculation more than once. But never in a bad way. We were rooting for you, and I still am.”

“Well, you’re going to have to be rooting for me and someone else because it’s sure as fuck not going to be Adar. Not when he’s so devoted to Oliver.”
