Page 62 of Dragon's Surprise

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“You’re going above and beyond in this case. Seriously, how do you not have a partner?”

As if Delton was going to tell Adar the truth. Instead, he faked indifference. “I guess no one has noticed me yet?”

He refused to say he hadn’t met the right guy yet because that would feel like a lie. Maybe there was someone out there for him, someone he hadn’t met yet. But it was hard to see how he could ever feel for anyone else what he experienced when he was near Adar. The racing heart, the sweaty hands, the dry mouth, and the inability to form coherent sentences. The way every fiber of his body seemed to be aware of the alpha’s presence. How he hung on his lips, eager for even the smallest smile or word of encouragement.

“I hope you’ll find that guy soon,” Adar said, and the sincerity in his voice brought Delton close to tears. “Because you deserve to be happy. You’re so selfless and sweet, and I wish someone would see that.”

Someone? No, Delton didn’t need just anyone to see that. Only one person. But Adar had firmly shoved Delton into the friend zone, and that was where he’d always be with him. It had to be enough.

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Iowe you.” Adar hugged Isam tightly, the man’s broad chest still feeling familiar after all that time. They’d shared so many moments, which cemented a bond between them that would never fade.

“Nah, you don’t owe me nothin’. Leaving you in the lurch the way I did never sat right with me, so I’m glad I can make it up to you.”

One last slap to Isam’s back and Adar let him go. “Well, I appreciate it more than I can say.”

Isam nodded, then turned toward Delton. “You ready?”

Isam had agreed to teach Delton, but he had insisted on doing a training session the next day before Fallon, and maybe Oliver, would be present. It would give Delton the opportunity to see if he really wanted to do this, and they’d all be able to assess if it could work or not. Every cell of Adar’s being hoped it would be the solution, but today’s session would make that clear. They’d found privacy in an empty barn at the far edge of the Hightower lands. No one would disturb them there.

Delton pushed back his glasses. “Question. How formal are you? Like, does he call you anything specific?”

Isam shook his head. “We never got into all that. I don’t consider myself a Dom. I’ve never had any training besides what I learned from experimenting with Adar. That’s it. It was never about the D/s relationship for him. He just wanted to be able to let go and surrender to the pain, and all I wanted was to give my friend what he needed.”


“Maybe it’s different with you.” Isam frowned. “We’re best friends, so we knew each other very well. Could be he needs somethin’ else from you.”


“Let’s get started, then.” Isam quirked an eyebrow at Adar. “You gonna strip or what? Kinda hard to redden your ass when you’re all dressed.”

Right. Funny, somehow Adar hadn’t registered that for this to work, he’d have to be naked in front of Delton. Why did that feel awkward all of a sudden? It shouldn’t be, right?

“If you’re having second thoughts…”

Adar spun around and faced Delton. “No, I’m not. I swear.”

If he gave it another thought, he’d never get over himself, so he dragged his shirt over his head, kicking off his shoes at the same time. See? Easy-peasy. He unbuckled his pants and dragged them down, taking his underwear with them. There, done.

“Good,” Isam said matter-of-factly. “Get your ass on the bench.”

Adar had constructed a simple but effective bench, with a raised ledge for his knees that he’d covered with foam to protect his skin and a broader platform to rest his upper body on. After some experimenting, they’d discovered the angle was far better that way than with Adar stretched out on a table or standing against a wall. Plus, it was better for Isam’s back, which mattered too. With Delton, who was a good foot shorter than Isam, it would come in even handier.

Adar knelt, not looking at Delton. The whole situation was too weird already. He’d done this with Isam so many times, but it had never felt like this.

“The first thing to check is if he wants to be restrained,” Isam said to Delton. “Sometimes he does, but most of the time, he doesn’t.”

“What determines that?”

“If it’s been too long, he may not be able to hold still. His body is too restless.” Isam sighed. “Like it is now. We’ll have to tie his hands down, or he might try to cover his ass instinctively and end up gettin’ hurt.”

When Isam and Delton stepped closer, Adar closed his eyes. He couldn’t look at him, at Delton. What if he changed his mind now that he saw the reality of what Adar needed? What if he judged him for it after all?

“You can use these straps,” Isam said, his voice all businesslike. “They have sheep’s wool on the inside to protect his skin. Don’t pull ‘em too tightly, and then loop ‘em here through the ring.”

Isam had tied down Adar’s right hand.
