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“There’s something wrong with this pie.” June’s face had immediately turned sour. She washed down the sour taste with a glass of water.

“What? What’s wrong with it?” Hudson asked.

“It tastes a bit raw on the inside—like it didn’t bake properly,” June said.

I began to laugh hysterically, doing my victory dance.

“But it does taste okay, right?” Hudson asked.

June and Maria shook their heads slowly and struggled to swallow the bit in their mouths.

“Take some more water to wash it down so you don’t fall sick,” I teased, sticking my tongue out in his face. Suddenly, he flashed a mischievous smile that didn’t seem right at all. In a split second, he took a chunk of his soggy pie and plastered it on my face.

“Oooh!” he exclaimed.

Maria and June screamed, turning to laugh at me now. The excitement had ceased from my face as I blinked hard to bat off the dough on my lids and lashes.

“Not so funny now, is it?” He stuck out his tongue and ridiculed me. I spontaneously dipped my hand in the pie and took a chunk to exert my revenge. The pie crumbs went beyond his face to other parts of his body, including his nipples. He didn’t have a shirt on. I cautiously moved my gaze away so that I didn’t get tempted to lick it off with June looking.

“You both officially look a mess!” June teased. Hudson and I looked at each other and reached an agreement with our eyes. Hudson took two handfuls and smeared the pie all over June’s face. I did the same for Maria. She screamed and ran into the kitchen.

Hudson and I couldn’t stop laughing. June seized the opportunity to retaliate, and soon, both pies went down in a food fight. Our breakfast was gone.

“I guess Maria still has to make breakfast now,” Hudson remarked.

“Or we could visit the burger shop down the street. They’ve got smoothies and hot chocolate, too,” I suggested.

“I guess I would have to go change then?” He chuckled and got off the floor. He kissed June and went up to his room to change.

“Come on, let’s get you changed, too,” I said, taking June by the arm and leading her into her room to change clothes. Afterward, I grabbed the vacuum cleaner and some rags dipped in a bucket and began cleaning.

Hudson had come down now, expecting me to be dressed.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“You both go on. I’ll stay back and clean this place up. Get me some hot chocolate, too,” I said.

“It was your idea. You should come with us,” Hudson replied.

“Let’s not forget the original intent you had for staying home—to spend time together with June. You need some one-on-one time as well,” I whispered into his ears, then continued what I was doing.

He simply smiled and lifted June into his arms. They were back in no time, and we had breakfast together.

Much later, Amy had dropped by to check on June. She came bearing gifts. She commented on how Hudson was becoming so much livelier, which pleased her.

She came up to me later on and whispered the words “Thank you” into my ear.

“For what?” I responded in a whisper as well.

“This could have only been you. I haven’t seen Hudson this happy in a really long while.”

Amy’s eyes were teary as she spoke. If there was something I enjoyed seeing among the siblings, it was how deeply they cared for each other. It was most admirable. I just smiled, unsure whether or not to take credit.

“You still haven’t said what it is that you would like me to do for you for the rest of the day. You won the challenge, after all,” Hudson whispered into my ears shortly after. His face looked pitiful, like he was expecting the worst.

“I’ll claim my prize some other day. Just have it in mind. You owe me one.”

Chapter 9
