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“Not to everyone. Violet is smart, Emma, as are you,” Sera said, trying to stop them.

“How about you, Emma? What grade are you in?” Harrison turned to her, and her blue eyes looked up from the pages of her book.

“Tenth, this fall. And you don’t have to be nice to us, she’ll screw you anyway.” The kid didn’t mince words, and neither did her mother.

“That isn’t why I am being nice to you. And I don’t know if you should be talking like that, especially not in front of Violet,” he replied.

Her dark eyebrow went up, and instantly, he was reminded of his mother, who would love these quirky kids.

“Violet has heard a lot worse from Mom. Isn’t that right, Sera?” Emma turned on her mom, who looked a little shocked at her words.

“Harper said Mommy likes BBSN this morning,” Violet answered for her mom, clearly not what her mom would have said, Harrison was sure.

Sera, for her part, chuckled and kissed her daughter’s head. “Not quite, baby girl. I corrected Harps this morning too.”

“Just the B and the D.” Emma rolled her eyes as their order was called. “And I have read 50 Shades of Gray, so I do know what that means.”

“Don’t listen then,” Sera called as Emma went to get their order.

“Maybe too much information for your kids?” he asked when Emma was out of earshot, though he doubted she was ever not listening.

“She’s fifteen, and this one doesn’t understand yet.”

“Is she supposed to understand at fifteen?”

“She’s read the book, Harrison. She understands.” Her eyes challenged him, but they were her kids, so it was up to her what they heard.

“So, is it the same Harper as from the engagement party? The one with the best breasts in the group?”

“Yes,” she said, but her answer was drowned out by Violet.

“Mom has the best tits in the house. Until I get mine—then I will.” She giggled as she patted her chest.

“I get a lot of calls from the school. Way more than with Emmaline.” Sera said dryly as she watched an employee bring a tray of drinks and cake.

“I can see that happening,” Harrison admitted with a chuckle.

Once the cups were placed and cakes distributed, Violet had to go to the restroom. So, Sera took her with an apology. But Harrison didn’t mind; they had nothing that wouldn’t keep for a few minutes.

“If you think you’re special, you are wrong,” Emma said from the table across from him, with her giant coffee and book in her hand.

“I try to think I am special.”

“She fucks a lot of guys.”

“Do you meet a lot of them?”

“Don’t need to. She gets tired of them very quickly.”

“Maybe I’m different.”


“Do you still want her together with your dad?” He tried to guess why Emma was so angry with him. That was usually the case when parents were divorced.She chuckled before answering. “I’ve never seen my dad, nor has Violet. And we never will.”

“I’m sorry to hear about that.” He was still wondering about her unusual marriage. It sounded like the kid’s father wasn’t the man she was married to.

“He doesn’t matter.” Emma shrugged.
