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“He was okay with it. In fact, he was the one who said it would be great if it happened. He even pushed for it to happen in the beginning. It was a little weird, but I loved him, so I went with it. But then he wasn’t. It was like a switch.” Kylie snapped her fingers.

Sera let go of the breath she had been holding. If Kylie’s boyfriend was pushing her to have a relationship with Harrison, could Harrison have been the victim? And if he was the victim, why had he never said anything about it?

“I dated a guy like that. He wanted, I mean, I wanted, a three-way. But when it came down to it, he was pissed I let another guy touch me. Like it hadn’t been his idea,” Agatha said with her shit-eating grin.

“It was exactly like that. I wasn’t even attracted to Harrison, but Josh wanted me to be.”

“Josh Johnson?” Agatha asked like she knew the guy and was just confirming it.

“No, Josh Rolf,” Kylie stated, shocking Sera. Rolf was Harrison’s dad’s last name, which meant that the men might share a father. But did Josh know? He must have if he pushed Kylie to have an affair with Harrison and get pregnant. This entire thing had been planned from the beginning.

“Did you get busy with Harrison” Agatha leaned toward her, drawing her in like only Agatha could.

“No, he’s too old. I mean good-looking but old,” Kylie said, not realizing she just admitted far too much. Even her lawyer was shocked into silence.

“Why Harrison? I mean, he is old,” Agatha emphasized.

“Josh. He knew him and had a plan,” Kylie replied, and her face immediately paled. Agatha had just gotten her to admit she had lied.

“I think we are done here.” Her lawyer started to get up, trying to stop the interview, but he was too late.

“Thank you for your time, Kylie,” Sera stated quietly as she pushed Agatha from the apartment. She had everything she needed for her investigation. She knew that she would never learn anything else beyond what she knew right now.

Outside, the sun was brighter, and the air was warmer. A load had been lifted from Sera’s shoulders. Neither woman spoke as they got into the car or as Sera pulled away from the curb into traffic.

“You really should have been a lawyer, Ag,” Sera complimented her.

“No way. Do you know how much paperwork that involves?” Agatha complained about a job she knew nothing about.

“But you’re really good at getting people to be comfortable with you.”

“I’m a bartender who has watched every episode of Law & Order: SVU. I should get a law degree just for that alone. That one was an easy nut to crack,” Agatha said, referring to Kylie.

“When did you know she was lying?”

“When she said, ‘office-appropriate.’ Someone fed her that line. She doesn’t know how to spell office appropriate, much less use it in a sentence.”

“I am so glad I brought you.”

“Be happy I didn’t card her. She isn’t old enough to be drinking whiskey for breakfast. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice her coffee was laced with the stuff. Maybe there was no coffee at all.”

“Says the girl who told me at thirteen that if you take two sips from a Coke can, you can refill it with whiskey for the perfect mix,” Sera shot back.

“And I stand by that! Why dirty a glass?” Agatha took no offense as her eyes stayed on the road.

Sera lightly punched her in the arm. “Thirteen was the point.”

“Your kid is older than that. Do you think she drinks yet?” Agatha asked. It seemed like she wasn’t enjoying the girls growing up any more than Sera was.

“A little, but she doesn’t go partying with friends, and I don’t think she has had sex,” Sera said, but really, she had no idea. She didn’t want to just ask her like she did with the older girls.

“The oldest Lovely virgin ever!” Agatha laughed.

“Not even the oldest Lovely virgin in this car,” Sera shot back.

“God, you were old!”

“Not me, Agatha Christie.” She loved to put her kids in their place.
