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William turned toward Parker, unable to keep his grin at bay. “I’ve got news.”

Parker dropped his phone in the cradle. “I heard. Your dad called.”

An ominous feeling crept up in William’s chest. “You talked to my dad?”

Parker shifted uncomfortably. “I did. You need to meet with him. The Colorado Springs merger is precarious. This is the worst possible time for you to take over.”

What the hell?

That was certainly not the vote of confidence William had expected. “Worst possible time? Sorry my dead mother’s plans and my birthday don’t work for your calendar.”

“That’s not what I meant, man. You know that. Your dad’s pissed.”

Yeah, probably. His dad spent most of his time furious with his wife for dying and leaving her family company to William instead of him. Years fighting her last wishes had left his father bitter.

“He’s been working on this merger for years. He wants to meet with you. Hash everything out.”

Absolutely. Succession plan preparation should happen soon. First, William needed to do his own research before any meetings so he would go in prepared.

“I’m putting that meeting off as long as possible.” He rubbed against the pressure in his chest he experienced whenever his father’s name came up.

“You need to go visit him. Now.”

“Nope.” Now that things were going his way, he would do this on his own terms. In his own time.

Parker cursed. “Don’t be a jackass.”

“Seriously, when did you become his lackey?” William set his hands low on his hips.

Parker glanced away.

“Why the hell have you been working with my dad?”

“He’s my boss. I talk to him.” Parker sifted uneasily

through the message slips on his desk. “If you’re not meeting with him, then what’s your plan?”

William glared at him. “We need to announce to management soon but, for now, I’m only a consumer reporter. That’s all anyone needs to know. And as far as my dad’s concerned, I’m still the screw-up who embarrassed the family on national television. I need a solid strategy. With the big Colorado Springs acquisition you’re so concerned about, I have to be prepared. I’m not walking blind into any meetings.”

Parker pressed his lips together. “Don’t screw up the merger, William. It’s got to happen.”

“What’s it to you, anyway? Your job here’s secure with or without it.” Unless. William’s whole body went wired. “He promised you a Colorado Springs job, didn’t he?”

Parker glanced down at the carpet. “Vice President of Operations.”

William’s last girlfriend always said he had major trust issues. Right here. This illustrated why he struggled having faith in anyone. If you couldn’t rely on your friends to have your back, who could you count on?

“When you kicked me out of your apartment, you weren’t worried about your job here. You were aiming for a promotion.”

“After the merger, your dad plans to move all the offices to the Springs. You haven’t been around. You have no idea what this company needs. The merger needs to happen so we can move everything there.”

Never. His mother set the offices in Confluence because she loved this town. “I’m keeping the offices in Confluence.”

The door burst open, revealing Parker’s flustered assistant.

“I’m sorry to interrupt. Mr. Covington.” She glanced at William. “The other Mr. Covington is here to see you.”

Looked like that meeting with his dad wouldn’t wait after all.
