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“Hey.” She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and headed to the table. “What’s this?”

“We’re playing Confessions.” He gestured to the chair across from him and resumed his counting.

“What’s Confessions?”

“A board game. Damn, we’re short.” He glanced around the room.

“What’re you looking for?” Lucy’s eyes were still hazy with sleep.

“Something to use as chips. We’re short ten.”

“What kind of chips?” She stretched again, clearly trying to test the limits of his sanity.

“Like this.” He held up a couple of the poker chips.

Lucy glanced at the table before heading back to the bed. She opened the nightstand and rummaged around for a minute before emerging with a purple box. Her hips swayed as she moved toward him to toss the box on the table. “These’ll work.”

“These are condoms.” He shook the box, so it rattled.

She squinted at the box of condoms on the table.

“They’re the right size, aren’t they?”

He glanced down at his at-attention crotch. Uh. Yes, she was definitely testing the limits of his mental health.

She absolutely could not be propositioning him. He wouldn’t say no, of course, but this felt like a trap.

If it looked like a trap, smelled like a trap, and had a big ol’ latex lock on it, it was probably a trap. He lifted his eyes to meet hers.

A blush crept up her neck. “Oh my God. I meant the size of the chips! Not…”

Her face was full crimson now as she glanced at his inseam.

“Why do you have condoms?” he asked slowly.

She’d brought condoms with her. A whole, unopened box.

“I don’t have condoms.” She was wide-awake now. Her eyes were huge, and her shocked expression was as if she’d licked a bacon-flavored sucker when she expected grape.

“You gave me a box of condoms.” He held up the box.

“They came with the room. I saw them when I put the menu away.”

Okay, so she hadn’t packed condoms for their hidden camera honeymoon. He wasn’t sure if he was disappointed or relieved.

Disappointed. No question, really. “And they’re on the kitchen table because…?”

Lucy pressed her hands against her temples. “Someone tell me I’m still asleep.”

“Still waitin’ for that answer, Princess.”

“They’re the same size as the chip thingies you need.” Just when he thought her face couldn’t get redder, there it went. “And I cannot be responsible for the things I do when I first wake up.”

“So, we’re playing Confessions with condoms?”

“I’m not playing a game called Confessions with you.” She sat in the chair he’d offered a few minutes ago and dropped her head to her hands.

“You just threw condoms at me. Pretty sure we’re playing this out.”
