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“You have no idea. He’s a specialist, so I get referred to a colleague when I’m sick. It’s okay, though. I know how busy he is. Do you work?”


“I work with him at the landscape company. I’m his receptionist.” Lies, all lies.

“That’s so romantic.” Sarah’s eyes got dreamy. “What are your plans for the day?”

Now that she had a lead, she needed to coordinate with her missing reporter. Wherever he’d gone.

“Will had to go deal with business. I’m on my own.” Lucy lifted a shoulder.

“Then I declare today a spa day.” Sarah clapped her hands together softly.

In Sarah-world, apparently that was that. She had proclaimed the day a spa day, and so it would be. Since nothing had been going to plan anyway, and Lucy’s schedule was clear until Will returned, so she might as well hang with Sarah at the spa and ask questions there.

* * *

Facedown on the massage table, Lucy was awkwardly covered with only a thin, white sheet as Rebecca, the massage therapist, kneaded out a kink in her neck.

Sarah had persuaded her to get a couple’s massage because “it would be so relaxing.” In hindsight, nothing was calming about being naked while Sarah—also facedown on the next table over—chatted about everything from the weather to her desire to breed designer Chihuahua puppies.

“What are you doing tonight? Come to dinner with Max and me so the boys can get to know each other, too.”

“We have plans. Some kind of dance Will is taking me to this evening.”

“The barn dance! I saw the flyer. Oh fun, fun. I’ll talk Max into going, too. We can double. Oh! And tomorrow I signed us up for that honeymoon therapy thing with the guru. You guys should come.”

“We’re only here a couple more days. It’s a short honeymoon. William will want to spend time alone tomorrow.”


“Well, darn. I guess since we’re going to the dance, we should get our hair done. Makeup, too.” Sarah gave a sly smile. Apparently, she didn’t do spa days halfway. “Do you own cowboy boots? Every girl needs a pair if she goes to a barn dance. I wonder if the gift shop sells them?”

“Um…” Lucy wasn’t so sure about cowboy boots.

“Girl, I’ll show you how it’s done.”

No doubt she would.

For once Sarah was quiet longer than it took to take a breath. Rebecca found a tight spot in Lucy’s arm and did a pinch and roll combination that was surprisingly uncomfortable and relaxing at the same time.

“Lucy?” Sarah asked.

“Uh-huh.” The knot of muscle relaxed under Rebecca’s brilliant hands.

“Have you two been together awhile?” Sarah continued.

“Uh…yeah.” Kind of.

“How do you keep things fresh with Will? In the bedroom, I mean.”

Rebecca’s hands stilled before pinching, rolling, and pressing against a new muscle Lucy had no idea existed in her arm.

“Um…” This was not what Lucy had signed up for when she agreed to the massage. “I’m not really comfortable talking about this.”

“If you can’t talk with your girlfriends, who can you talk to?”

True, but that rule was probably meant for girlfriends who had been in her life longer than five minutes.
