Page 101 of The Queen’s Shadow

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I slipped back downstairs and flopped on one of the chaise chairs, looking up at Jeremy, Rycon and Cerenah.

“So, I guess I’m going solo to this dinner.” I said. Jeremy pursed his lips and Rycon snarled.

“That’s a stupid fucking idea.” Rycon snapped, and Jeremy nodded.

“Not to agree with Rycon but… I agree with Rycon.” He said. Cerenah sighed and sat down in the chaise opposite me.

“You’re right, but there is no way out of it. You cannot argue with Vespara. The only person who can tell her what to do is Ash Nevra, and she is likely in close contact with her as we speak. I would not be surprised if she has already told the Queen that you are here. That is why she does not want us to leave the palace.”

“Yeah that checks out.” I agreed. This was already a huge fucking mess.

“The good thing is, even if she arrives with some sort of reinforcements at the city gates, it will take her some time to get enough power here to overtake you. That has always been one of Midasara’s strengths. No one can use transportation magick within the walls of this city, so even getting a large force to The Gauntlet is typically quite the ordeal. We have some time if she is on the way, though, likely not much.”

“Well, we need to get Kasha while we’re here at the very least. I think you’re right. She’s not going to agree to ally with us, no matter what I say. I say we use this dinner to try to get something out of her about Kasha, save her, then get the fuck out of here.”

Rycon’s eyes flashed. “I can get on board with that.” He said. I nodded.

“Cool. Try to somewhat lay low while I’m at dinner. Explore the palace and see if you can find anything interesting, but don’t draw any attention to yourselves. If I can get what we need during dinner, we’ll break out first thing in the morning.”

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Jeremy said darkly. “I still don’t like you going alone.”

‘I agree with your father.’ Amon said in my mind. I sighed.

“I know. I’ll summon Rycon through the bond if things go sideways, and you both can come save my ass, how does that sound?”

Jeremy pursed his lips but nodded.

“Okay. Promise you’ll call us though if you need us.”

“I will.” I agreed.

True to his word, Zayne knocked on our door just before seven. I opened it, to find him leaning against the frame, waiting for me with a bored look on his face.

“You look… the same.” He commented dryly, taking in my armor. I rolled my eyes.

“Sorry, didn’t bring my ball gown.” I sniped. He didn’t say anything, just pushed off the frame and walked away, expecting me to follow him.

We walked in silence for several moments before he finally spoke up.

I could feel Amon prowling in my mind in agitation.

“The Queen knows that you have shadowstone weapons.” Zayne told me, his tone casual. I raised an eyebrow at this, wondering what he was trying to get at.

‘Be careful. He is digging for information.’ Amon warned.

“I would assume so. She knows I freed Cerenah.”

Zayne nodded, as if this bit of information was common knowledge.

“Vespara is going to ask for a shadowstone weapon, in exchange for the chameleon.” He told me, and my eyes widened in shock.

“Why?” I asked. We both knew Vespara wasn’t interested in freedom. I could only assume that the weapon wasn’t for her, and instead, was for Ash Nevra. Why would Ash Nevra want a weapon that frees slaves?

Zayne gave me an annoyed look, as we came up to a large, open concept dining hall.

“Everyone says you’re so smart, and then you go and ask a question like that.” He said, condescension dripping from his tone. “How disappointing.”

“Get fucked.” I snapped at him, and his lip curled at my crude words.
