Page 144 of The Queen’s Shadow

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Rycon grinned at him. “That is… an excellent idea, Obeah Man.”

Conrad shrugged, shooting him a lopsided grin. “Yeah, mi have dem from time to time.”

“Okay, so tomorrow we will check in with Sabel and Kael. I’m hoping we hear from Cerenah as well before we leave.” I said. “We’ll still need enough weapons to arm the heads of our ally courts. I don’t envy Zayne and Cerenah. They will have their work cut out for them, freeing the citizens of Midasara.”

“Yeah, and that fucker still owes me all those daemons.” Rycon piped up. “I want them secured before we leave.”

“Yeah, what’s up with that?” I asked but Rycon just gave me a look that said ‘later.’

“Okay, Dossidian, is it possible for you to get in contact with Greed and see how they’re doing? Tell Zayne he is officially being summoned by his Queen.” I tried not to feel smug about the power I now wielded over The Bone Prince. But I couldn’t help it. I was his Queen. He would come if I called or suffer the consequences.

“Yes. I will send a sentry tonight.”

I nodded. “Great. After that, we’ll head to Wrath to free your family and hopefully they will be feeling gracious enough to allow us to use their library to find a way to neutralize The Flute and amplify the protective power of shadowstone.” I continued, and everyone nodded. “Rycon and Kasha will go to Olkuyrbe to see if we can recruit some shifter allies.” I smiled darkly at the team, glancing at Conrad.

“If all goes according to plan, and Ash Nevra sends The Siren or Kieran again, we’ll be ready this time. We’ll kidnap one of them and get Amon’s location.”

Conrad nodded, looking serious. “Mi nuh tink Kieran will eva betray Ash Nevra, but Di Siren… mi feel shi might be easier to persuade. Mi think we should focus on her, if di opportunity presents itself.”

I personally thought they would both pose a challenge, but out of the two of them, I hated Kieran more. It would be difficult for me to stop myself from outright killing him if I managed to capture him.

“Fine. The Siren it is.” I nodded.

“Alright. It’s a plan.” Dossidian said, getting heavily to his feet and clapping his hands together. “I must attend to our borders and ensure that we are secure. If we’re leaving again, I will need to double up on guards.”

“Especially at the shadowstone mine.” I said, suddenly feeling a shot of worry rush through me. It had never been more important that we keep the shadowstone deposit I had discovered secure and hidden from our enemies. Dossidian nodded at me gravely.

“Aye. Of course. You all should rest. You have been through a great deal.” He said, and we all collectively nodded, before getting up as a group and heading to our respective rooms.


Once I was safely in the shower, I finally allowed myself to break down. The pain in my chest caused by Amon’s absence was growing larger, and I worried that if he did not reach out soon, I would become lost in the darkness.

Smothering my own mouth with my hand, I cried through the pain. It hurt more than any physical injury I had ever had to endure. I would have rather had Zayne break each one of my bones than suffer another minute of separation from my mate. It felt unnatural.

I found myself in front of the impossibly thick adamantium wall of the triquetra’s magick that prevented me from visiting him through the trace. I threw myself and my magick against it again and again, but it wouldn’t budge.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was horribly wrong, and his silence was truly starting to worry me.

I wasn’t sure how long I cried in the shower, but my fingers were like prunes by the time I crawled out and into a comfortable pair of black cotton pants and my favorite knit black sweater.

All things considered; it was nice to wear something other than armor again. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to sleep, I grabbed a book from the shelf by my bed. Its whispers told me it was a fluffy romance, and that was just what I needed to chase away the darkness that threatened to consume me with each passing moment.

I padded out into the hallway, heading toward the common room when I spotted Meredith speaking quietly to Rycon on the other side of the East Wing. The roar of the waterfall that separated us made it impossible for me to hear their conversation, but the tense looks on both of their faces caused me to pause.

I had blocked our bond when I felt myself falling apart to spare him from feeling the same excruciating pain I was suffering through. However, he hadn’t been feeling much better since we had brought Kasha home. If I didn’t know any better, I would say he was just as heartbroken as I was.

I watched Meredith lay a gentle hand on his shoulder, and his face closed down at whatever it was she was saying to him. Looking sad, she turned away, leaving him standing alone in the corridor. I winced when he turned suddenly and cracked his fist against the sharp volcanic stone wall. He shook his hand out angrily then stalked away, in the direction of Kasha’s room.

Frowning, I abandoned my plans and made my way across the main intersection of the East Wing and followed the shifter down the corridor. I found him sitting on the floor across from Kasha’s door, an unlit cigarette perched between his lips and his elbows on his knees.

He didn’t even glance at me as I approached, his golden eyes trained through Kasha’s open door. She was still sleeping soundly, curled in a tiny ball in her blankets, and the way Rycon was looking at her was breaking my damn heart. He looked like he had lost all hope that the sun would ever rise again.

“You’re not going to smoke that in here, are you?” I asked as I settled down on the floor next to him. I mirrored him and leaned back against the wall, resting my elbows on my knees with my forgotten book still clutched in my fingers.

He snorted, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth, and sliding it behind his ear. “I was thinking about it. My nerves are fucking shot.” He said.

“Please don’t.” I wrinkled my nose at him. The last thing I wanted was the palace to start smelling like cigarettes. “What was that all about with Meredith?” I asked. He gave me a dark look and swallowed hard before speaking.
