Page 174 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Of course I am.” He said before turning around to dig through my kitchen cabinets. I narrowed my eyes towards his back. “Did she tell you we’re thinking about trying for cubs?” He asked, as he pulled out a bottle of Cachaça and three shot glasses.

“Am I suppossed to be enthused at the prospect of you fucking my sister?” I asked dryly and he barked out a laugh.

“Come on, you don’t want a little niece or nephew?” He asked, still grinning as he poured out three measures of Cachaça, before sliding one in my direction and sitting down next to Rhyalla.

“I’ve never liked cubs.” I huffed, before shooting down the liquor and holding out my empty glass, indicating I wanted him to fill it up again. “And you’re awfully familiar with where the liquor is kept for someone who doesnt live in this house.” I commented suspiciously.

K’yen chuckled. “We don’t live here, but we check in from time to time to clean and make sure it’s stocked and ready for you if you decide to return.”

“Fine.” I sighed. “Anyway, I think you should hold off on baby making until after the war. Shit’s about to hit the fucking fan.”

I updated K’yen on everything that had been going on and he grew more and more serious as I spoke. I wrapped up Kasha’s rescue and why I had brought her with me and he pursed his lips.

“I’m glad you killed them all, or I would be out hunting for them myself.” He said darkly, and the comment made me hate him a little less. Okay, maybe I didn’t hate him. I just thought he was kind of a prick.

“Raven thinks that Kasha is Rycon’s mate.” Rhyalla said. She had leaned back in her chair and had one foot hooked up on the seat. She spun her shot glass on the table before taking a sip.

K’yen nodded, the corner of his mouth tilting up.

“I could have told you that.” He said, his tone teasing. “I can’t believe you haven’t marked her yet, I thought for sure you were going to mate with her last time you were here.”

“Yeah well, that window has definitely closed. She can’t even stand to be anywhere near me anymore.” I growled. Fuck those males for hurting her. Fuck them for making her scared of me. Killing them hadn’t been enough, I hoped their souls were being tortured for eternity, wherever they were.

“She just needs time to heal.” Rhyalla said gently, and I scoffed. Time was the one thing we didn’t have a lot of.

“Yeah, well. We have more important things to worry about than my love life.” I said, turning to K’yen.

“The idiots you have manning the perimeter need to be trained. They didn’t even recognize that I was their Rhoan today when I approached. Last time I came I took six of them out like they were made of paper mache. We need better trained warriors if we’re going up against this bitch.”

K’yen frowned but nodded. “Okay. Tell me what you need me to do.”

“I’m going to take over training with them while I’m here,” I said, “but the K’aalpa-kah won’t be enough. We need more shifter power. We need to summon the others and see if they will lend their paws…and wings, to the cause.”

K’yen and Rhyalla exchanged a look. “You sure that’s a good idea? They’re all still a little bitter about the whole thing with our father trying to get us to join The Board.” Rhyalla pointed out hesitantly. I shrugged.

“We have to try. I know Aiden for sure will be down, he’s always willing to sign up for a good brawl. Koda can probably be persuaded. He takes forever to make a decision, but his heart is always in the right place. The rest of them… we’ll see. Can’t hurt to summon them, what’s the worst they can do? Say no?” I asked, and my sister exchanged a look again with her mate, before finally shrugging.

“I’ll send the invites out tonight.” K’yen said, and I nodded.

“Good. We’ll need to start preparations for their arrivals as soon as possible, and in the meantime, I’m starting training with the K’aalpa-kah. Have everyone lined up and ready for drills at first light.” I ordered. K’yen dipped his head in agreement, before pouring us another round of liquor.

“So, tell us more about you and Kasha.” Rhyalla grinned, leaning in closer, “Does she give you butterflies? Do you looooove her?”

I flipped her off and K’yen chuckled, getting up and pulling a deck of cards out of one of the drawers in the end table next to one of the couches.

“What are we playing?” I asked, and K’yen shrugged.

“Rummy? We need four for Buraco, and something tells me Kasha isn’t up for cards.”

I glanced down the hallway and sighed. “Yeah, alright. Prepare to get your asses beat though.” I smirked as K’yen started dealing Rhyalla and I in.

“In your dreams big brother.” Rhyalla chirped, a devilish smile curling across her lips as she sipped her Cachaça. I grinned at her and picked up my cards.

Everything might be royally fucked up, but it was nice to be home.

We played cards until the sun went down. Rhyalla left briefly to grab us dinner from the community roast that the leap had made that night. The plates were piled high with charred vegetables and succulent wild boar. Thinking of how thin Kasha was, I crept down the hall to see if she was hungry, but found she was sleeping and couldn’t bring myself to wake her up.

“Don’t worry,” Rhyalla said. “I’ll bring you two a big healthy breakfast in the morning.” She smiled at me warmly as she and K’yen got ready to leave. I nodded in thanks and waved them off before yawning and heading to the guest room to sleep.
