Page 193 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“I don’t know what you’re grinning at Little Cub.” I snapped at him. “You’ll be joining Riko at the back of the line tomorrow.”

His smirk immediately flattened into an angry frown, but he kept his mouth shut, already seeming to understand that any complaints would just result in further discipline.

“Now. These are your ranks, and they will remain your ranks until you can prove to me that you deserve better.

“You will be coming up against each other in a series of drills designed to test your handle on weapons, your speed and agility, as well as your mental toughness and discipline.” I turned to the panther who had secured himself a place at the front of the line. He was large for his age, and built like a brick shit house. I wasn’t surprised he had come out on top in the first pass. Size and weight usually worked in your favor in panther communities, however, it wasn’t enough. If it was, K’yen would be Rhoan, and I wouldn’t be the one training these annoying little assholes.

“What’s your name?” I asked him, and he kept his gaze straight ahead, not making eye contact, like a good soldier.



“Alright, K’eon. You seem to have secured the spot of top cat. That means you have a target on your back. Every single one of these panthers is going to fight tooth and nail to take you out. Are you ready for that? If not, then now is the time to step down.”

I didn’t miss the way Kyro’s eyes flashed, and I knew he wouldn’t rest until he had taken K’eon’s place at the top. There was a similar look in Riko’s eyes, and I grinned. It would be fun using the clear rivalry these two had against each other to my advantage. They were making it too easy.

“Yes, Rhoan. I will defend my position with my life.” K’eon said solemnly, and I couldn’t help but exchange a look with Kyro, who again, looked like he was going to laugh.

“A little melodramatic, but I’ll take it.” I said, scratching the back of my neck, unable to keep the amusement out of my voice.

“First drill is sprints!” I said, clapping my hands together. “You’re all going to run from that tree, to that tree and back again, until you literally can’t run anymore. Ranks will be rearranged based on who collapses first.”

Everyone groaned and I beamed at them. “One, two, three - GO!” I said, revelling in their misery as they all scrambled to do as ordered.

“How long are you going to keep them running?” K’yen asked, coming to stand next to me, looking somewhat amused himself.

“Until they pass out.” I said, shrugging, and K’yen grinned.

“That could take all day.” He muttered, watching the rush of shifters as they raced back and forth so fast that they were nothing more than blurs of speed.

“If it doesn’t, I’m going to be very disappointed.” I said, dusting my hands off. I was interested to see if K’eon’s size would work against him here and if Riko would come out on top. I was about to leave K’yen to it when a booming voice suddenly rumbled through the clearing.

“Rycon! Let me take a look at you, my boy!” I froze, immediately recognizing Koda’s voice and knowing what was coming next.

I tried to bolt, but he wrapped his giant arms around my middle and crushed me into him so hard my boots left the ground. I felt a rib crack and groaned.

Fuck sakes, his bear hugs hadn’t gotten any less brutal over the years…

“Hey, Koda,” I grimaced as he continued to crush me against his chest. I knew better than to try and fight my way out of it.

I was strong, but I wasn’t grizzly bear strong. It was better to try to avoid the hugs altogether. If you got caught in one, fighting usually only resulted in more cracked ribs. “Nice to see you too… wanna put me down? You’re making me look soft in front of the littles.” I muttered, though I was smirking despite myself. I realized I had missed the big bear shifter. His pine needle scent brought back memories of him and my father sitting around the pyre and telling Rhyalla, K’yen and I ghost stories late into the night as cubs.

Koda put me down and spun me around roughly to face him, placing his massive palms on my shoulders. I glanced the considerable way up to meet his friendly gaze. Koda had tawny skin, long pin-straight dark hair and a strong nose. He was wearing a crown that looked to be made up entirely of bear teeth and had a great fur pelt fastened over his shoulders. Loose pants made of animal hide hung from his thick, but chiseled hips. His broad chest was bare, and each peck was marred with three scars that I knew he had torn into his own flesh when he had come of age as a boy. He had told me the story countless times as a cub, explaining how it was tradition for bear shifters to mark their human forms with their bear claws in order to ascend into adulthood.

I barked out a laugh as I took in his attire. “Did you wear that on the plane?” I asked and he chuckled loudly, clapping me so hard on the back it winded me and I was forced forward a few steps.

“Easy, Grizzly Adams,” I coughed, pounding a fist to my chest to try and get my lungs working again, which only caused him to laugh harder. “You almost broke my spine.”

“Just like your father,” he chuckled, nodding to K’yen, who smirked back at him. “Charismatic, but small.”

I shot a glare at Koda for calling me small and K’yen wisely refrained from commenting.

“I’m not small, asshole. I’m over six feet tall. You’re just freakishly huge.”

Koda shrugged, wheeling me away from the panther shifters who were still sprinting at top speed from tree to tree.

“Where is your sister?” He asked, his voice so loud I could feel the timber of it quiver in my chest. “I haven’t seen her in a few years. Last time I was here she drank me under the table. I’m ready for a rematch.”
