Page 211 of The Queen’s Shadow

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He let out an exasperated snarl and before I knew it, I was over his shoulder, and he was scaling the ladder so fast I yelped.

He dumped me in front of the bathroom and shoved me into the closed door.

“Shower. Now.” He ordered. His nostrils flared again, and I narrowed my eyes. Did I smell or something? I crossed my arms over my chest defiantly.

“I’m not doing something just because you fucking order me to, asshole.” I snapped at him, making it clear that even though I didn’t have my powers, and he was physically able to overpower me at the moment, I was not going to just let him push me around.

He snarled again and spun around, punching the wall behind him in frustration before whipping back to face me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pressed me against the bathroom door, growling so loudly I could feel his chest vibrate.

“Kasha, it’s either you shower and get his fucking scent off you or I will mark you right here, right now… and trust me, you won’t like it if I have to do that.” His nostrils flared again, and I suddenly understood what was happening.

Aiden had tackled me to the ground and must have left his scent on me. Rycon seemed to have gotten it in his head that I belonged to him and was having some sort of bullshit alpha-male ego trip.

Mark me? What did that mean?

His pupils were blown again, and the longer I took him in, the more I realized that maybe I was wrong. This felt like more than just an ego trip. He seemed to be actively trying to restrain himself from whatever it was his instincts were clearly screaming at him to do.

The twisted little part of me that liked to play with fire was curious, and I suddenly wanted to see if I would get burned.

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” I asked, forcing myself to relax against the door.

“Kasha…” He warned, his grip on my shoulders tightening even more. I gave him a mischievous smirk and cocked my head to the side.

“If you tell me what it means, I might let you do it.” I told him, and his eyes flashed in surprise. He searched my face intently, as if he couldn’t quite believe what I had just said.

“I want to replace his scent with mine.” He said finally. I watched his Adam’s apple as it bobbed. “And I want to leave a physical mark on you, so when the others come, they know you’re off limits.”

After what had happened with Aiden, I didn’t mind the idea of the other shifters knowing I was off limits. I wasn’t interested in being attacked again. Rycon had been right. I had been lying when I said I wasn’t scared. Without my powers, I would always be at a disadvantage here. Maybe it would be a good idea to get this mark thing, if it meant I would be protected.

I frowned at him. “Will it hurt?”

“Only if you want it to.”

“Is it sex?”

“No, but you need to take most of your clothes off. You can leave on your bra and underwear but I’m burning the rest of this fucking outfit.” He growled. His voice cracked and he was shaking, as if he were taking every single ounce of his strength to keep himself under control.

“Is it permanent?”

He took a moment to think before answering, then shook his head. “No. They won’t last forever but I won’t like it when they fade and will want to do it again.”

“How do you apply the mark?”

“With my mouth… And it will be marks. Plural.”

I smirked and tried to ease the tension with a joke. “Now it just sounds like you’re being greedy.”

“Kasha,” he snapped. “I’m hanging on by a fucking thread here. Either we’re doing this or you need to get in the shower and wash off his scent before I completely lose my shit.”

I searched his face. His expression was tight, and his pupils were so large there was only a thin line of gold outlining the perimeter.

My heart was pounding in my chest. He was giving me an out. I could take the safe route and shower, and he would hopefully calm down.

Plan A is what a normal person might have done. Someone who wasn’t twisted and damaged may have chosen the sane option. Instead, I gave him a small nod, and did my best not to choke on my own heart when I finally agreed.

“Okay. You can mark me, Rycon.”

His eyes widened in surprise, then without another word, he tore my sweater and cotton joggers from my body. He reached over his head and ripped off his T-shirt, before scooping me up and shooting into the bedroom.
