Page 243 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Kasha, come on, it’s not like that.” I assured her. “This is just what shifters are like. They don’t understand what you’ve been through. Let me convince them and I know they’ll see you the way I do.” I said, desperate for her to stay. I wanted her to fight for this.

“I don’t understand, Rycon.” She said finally. “I don’t know what any of this shit means. You haven’t explained anything to me.” She touched the marks I had left on her neck and frowned. “I don’t think I even fully understand what these mean. Why does Malik keep saying you need to consummate them?”

“The marks tell everyone that you’re mine.” I said.

“You didn’t say that when you asked if you could do it, you said it was for my protection.”

“It is for your protection.”

“You said it wasn’t permanent.”

“It isn’t.”

“Unless you consummate them?” She snarled, and I sighed, but nodded.


“Were you going to tell me that before, or after you convinced me to fuck you?” She snapped and I wanted to punch myself in the face for being such an idiot. The morning had started off so well, how had we ended up here?

“Kasha, I’m sorry, okay? I’ve never done this before I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. All I know is I want you. Tell me what you need me to do and I’ll give it to you.” I begged, and her eyes softened slightly.

Thank the Gods.

She searched my face and I tried to show her how much I meant it, how much I didn’t care about the assholes gathered around the pyre. I only cared about her and what she wanted and if she told me what she needed I would give it to her.

She glanced back at the rest of the shifters, who were all shamelessly watching us argue. Anaya looked so smug I wanted to wipe that smirk right off her face. Kasha’s expression darkened at Anaya’s look as well. Finally she turned back to me.

“I think I need some time to think this all over. I wish you had talked to me about this before just dumping me in the middle of a ring of predators and telling me you want me to claim some sort of panther throne without any warning. That’s really fucked up, Rycon.”

I winced. Yep. Definitely should have listened to Rhyalla.

“I’m sorry, I thought if I told you first you would say no.”

“Do you not see how fucked up that is? You can’t just make massive decisions like that for me. Trust goes both ways Rycon, you have to give me the chance to make my own choices, even if you don’t think you’ll like what I end up choosing.”

“Okay, okay, you’re right. I should have told you first.” I reached forward and cupped the side of her face. “If you need time to think about it that’s fine. Go take the rest of the day. But Kasha, I do want you to be my Rhiannon. I can’t imagine my life without you. I can’t be with you the way I want to be, without you agreeing to claim your spot at my side. I would need to walk away from the leap to be with you.”

“That’s a massive decision to make, Rycon.” She whispered, and I shrugged. It seemed like a no-brainer to me.

“Thank you for explaining it to me, though. It helps.” She glanced back over my shoulder at the others and made a face. “I’m going to go back to Rhoan House. Try to focus on getting them on board to fight in the war, that’s what’s actually important here. Whatever the hell we are to each other can wait.”

I let her walk away and fought every instinct in me that screamed to follow her.

Whatever the hell we were to each other was the most important thing to me. I would let the whole world burn to the ground if it meant we could be together. I forced myself to turn around and face the pyre.

“Alright fuckers. Here’s what’s going to happen.” I said, stripping off my t-shirt, and tossing it to Rhyalla.

“If you have a problem with Kasha, step the fuck up. Let’s settle this right now.” I snapped, and Malik stood up to my challenge.

“I’ve been wanting to have a rematch.”

“Beak the fuck up then, bitch.” I snarled, tossing my dagger and gun down on the bench as well.

I was going to personally tear apart anyone who had a problem with me being with Kasha and I was going to enjoy every second of it.


Icould hear the ferocious snarls and screeches all the way from Rhoan House. I had a clear view of the pyre from the window in the living room, but stopped watching the fights after Rycon kicked Malik’s ass in the first minute and a half. I had no doubt he would win every fight, I just didn’t think it would matter.
