Page 280 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Help is coming.” I said, my eyes never leaving my bonded. She was really fucking hurt. I wasn’t even sure how she was still in the air. Just then, I heard a blast of gunfire, and turned to find our backup had made it through the caves.

Jeremy started mowing down magick folk with his Carbine, his face tight with concentration and rage. Kasha came through with palms blazing, and got to work eviscerating daemons and magick folk alike. She ran to Amon’s side, doubling his efforts to take down the mob that was keeping him from Raven.

Suddenly, Conrad was next to me, followed by a rush of Pride’s soldiers. They spilled into the ring and immediately fell into formation.

We were grossly outnumbered, but Amon alone was a force to be reckoned with. The second the attention of the mob was divided, he broke free and was suddenly shooting through the air toward Raven.

“You got shit covered here?” I barked at Conrad, watching in awe as Raven ripped off Ash Nevra’s hands.

Holy fucking shit, she was such a bad bitch…

“Yeah! Mi and Nytara got dis, go!” He replied, and I watched in awe as a massive snake made of sea water exploded from the doors behind us at his command. The water split into hundreds of thinner ribbons, and he forced the water down the throats of several daemons who had turned their sights on us.

I tore into my panther form just as Raven blasted a hole through Ash Nevra’s chest. I slashed through body after body with my claws as I rushed to get to her, barely even registering the taste of my victims blood as I ripped out their throats.

I felt it, as the adrenaline that must have been keeping Raven alive ran out and I roared in horror as she began to fall. Amon got to her just in time, scooping her from the air and floating with her to the ground.

I made it to their side just as that creepy ass dark crystal let out a massive blast of nauseating magick. Amon’s darkness rushed around us, creating a dome of protection, keeping us safe.

I watched Kieran break through the mob and rush to the side of the crystal, a manic look of glee on his face. I flicked my tail in confusion.

How was he alive?

I shifted into my human form, glancing over at Ash Nevra’s corpse, which lay several feet away. Her eyes were wide and lifeless. Yeah… she was hella dead. How the fuck was that asshole still breathing?

Kieran and several other magick folk crowded around the stone and I frowned as they began working some kind of spell. Before I could process what was happening, they all vanished, taking the fucked up crystal with them.

I shook my head.

I couldn’t worry about that now. Raven was dying. I could feel it. I dropped to my knees next to Amon, who was screaming her name, clutching her face as if he could keep her soul in this world through sheer willpower alone. The panic in my chest intensified.

“Kitten!” I shouted, “Kitten, fucking wake up!”

Amon looked up at me, his face pale and his eyes wide.

“Did you bring Meredith?” He rasped, and I shook my head, feeling the blood drain from my own face at the realization.

“No, the Obeah Man said she’s in Wrath with Dossidian.”

Amon looked like he was going to be sick. Then he frowned, looking me up and down and back to Raven, who was unconscious and bleeding before us. She reeked of burnt flesh and death. I couldn’t even feel her pain anymore, which couldn’t be a good sign.

“You’re here… why isn’t she healing?” He asked, and I suddenly realized he was right, she should have been drawing from me and using my regeneration abilities to heal herself.

“I don’t know… she opened the bond a while ago but I haven’t been able to get her to respond to me. It felt like she was in some kind of shock. I don’t think she was thinking about anything other than finding you and killing that bitch.”

“Raven!” Amon pressed his hand to her cheek. “Rycon is here. Heal yourself. You need to draw from him or you’re going to die.”

He curled around her, his hands shaking as he pulled her head into his lap. He kissed her forehead, tears sliding down his face.

“Please, Raven. You can’t die. You can’t fucking save me then leave me, you just got here. Please, wake up.”

“Amon…” My heart was breaking, watching Amon hold her. It was as if his whole world was coming down around him. I imagined what it would be like to hold Kasha while she died, and I nearly choked at the thought of it.

“Tell me what to do. Tell me how to fix it.”

He looked up at me, his green eyes searching mine. “Can you feel the bond?”

I nodded. It was still there, it was still open.
