Page 285 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Please, Amon.”

He kissed me softly, and I felt him smile against my lips. “Such a good girl, always doing what you’re told.” He murmured. “Alright, Raven. You can come now. Let me watch you finish.”

He increased his pace and his fingers ran over me just right. Finally, I fell over the edge again, and Amon’s eyes lit up as the tell tale signs of my climax began to echo through me.

“There it is…” He purred, watching me hungrily as I convulsed beneath him. “That’s what I want to see.”

My entire body was on fire and I shook so hard with the power of my release, that the bed rattled beneath us.

The rolling waves of pleasure seemed to stretch out forever, and he just stared at me, as he continued to stroke me through it. When I was done and gasping, he rolled onto his back and had me straddle him. I frowned, noticing he was still hard beneath me.

“You didn’t finish.” I panted, feeling out of breath.

“Not yet. We’re going to make you do that a few more times.”

I gaped down at him, still quivering. “Amon…”

He smiled up at me, lifting my hips up and driving into me again. I cried out, my entire body shivering at the abrupt contact.

“I told you not to make deals with the devil, Raven. You said I could have you as many times as I liked, and I’m not even close to being finished.”


‘Alexa play Vor í Vaglaskógi by KALEO.’

Amon hadn’t been kidding. He refused to let me leave the room for two full days. He magicked some food straight to the room and viciously denied access to anyone who came looking for us… including my father.

He wrapped me in shadows and feasted on me over and over again. It was as if he were afraid that if he stopped touching me, I would melt away.

On the third day, I finally put my foot down, and told him we needed to leave and see the others. We had to debrief, and plan our next move. With Ash Nevra dead, I was officially Queen. I didn’t know much about ruling, but I did know there were likely several things that would need my attention. I couldn’t stay locked up in this room with my dark, tragically broken daemon for eternity, no matter how much I wanted to.

It wasn’t good for The Dominion, and it wasn’t good for him, either.

“We have to go outside. We can’t stay here forever.” I said gently. His eyes flashed and he pursed his lips, tightening his hold on me. He had me pressed beneath him on the bed, as if he could keep me from the world with his body alone.

He stroked a hand down the side of my face, staring at me with a heartbreaking intensity. He still hadn’t let me see his scars. Somehow, over the course of spending two days together with very little clothes on, he had never given me his back. He moved around me like a satellite, always facing forward, always keeping me in his line of sight.

“I want to keep you here with me.” He growled, pressing me deeper into the pillows. I frowned.

“I know you do,” I pressed my lips softly against his, and he closed his eyes, quivering against me. “But we have to leave eventually. We need to check in with everyone, figure out how things are going to work now that she’s dead. This isn’t healthy. You need to try to go outside and face the world again.”

His green eyes devoured me and his expression tightened as he realized I was not going to let this go. It was time to leave, and he was either going to need to come with me, or stay here by himself.

I gently pressed on his chest, indicating that I wanted to get up, and I watched as he battled with himself.

“Amon, let me up.” I said gently, and he hesitated, his fingers gripping into my arms, as if he might try to force me to stay. His aura churned around us and his normally calm, velvety nebula was riddled with the sour tang of fear.

He was afraid to leave. He had been locked in a dark room for so long, and the only time he had been allowed out was to murder and torture the innocent. I understood why he didn’t want to leave this room, but that didn’t mean we didn’t still have to.

I touched the side of his face, stroking his cheek with my thumb.

“I know it’s hard, but I will be with you the whole time. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about.” He swallowed. “I thought I lost you. I need to keep you safe.”

“We’re safe here, Amon. We’re just going to see our friends in the common room. Nothing bad is going to happen to either of us. I promise.”

He didn’t look convinced, but I pressed him back, using my magick to help me. He finally conceded and stood up, carefully turning as he did, so his back faced the safety of the wall.
