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“It reminds me of The Court of Greed. Though we do not have such tall buildings, or these shiny machines.”

“Cars? They’re called cars.” I said, laughing. She smiled at me, nodding.

“Yes, cars. We do not have them in The Court of Greed. We usually use magick to travel.” I nodded.

“Hey.” I turned around to see Jeremy approaching us on the sidewalk; a duffle bag full of what I assumed was clothes was slung over his shoulder. “How did it go?” He asked.

I made a face and rocked my head back and forth. “Uh…it could have gone better. The Sorcerer General is pretty uptight. She wasn’t happy that Dossidian was staying.”

Jeremy frowned. “Where’s Rycon?” He glanced around, to see if the panther shifter was nearby. I shrugged.

“I haven’t seen him, we just got here as well.”

“Is that him? In that big white car?” Cerenah asked, pointing to a sprinter van that was rolling up the street towards us. Sure enough, there he was.

‘Like a Villain’ by Bad Omens was blasting from the open windows of the van. His arm was hanging out the driver’s side window. A lit cigarette was perched between his fingers as he tapped against the door to the beat of the music.

We all watched him as he deftly parallel parked the van, one hand on the passenger seat, craning his neck back to check his blind spots as he used the palm of his other hand to steer. I approached the vehicle, shaking my head in surprise. He killed the engine and the music stopped. He took a drag from his cigarette before flicking the butt away into the street. He grinned at me, the smoke spilling out of his nose.

“What’s up, Kitten? How was Italy?”

“Where the hell did you get this van?” I asked as he hopped out. He stalked around to the back, and popped open the sliding door, revealing an impressive amount of high-tech equipment. My mouth dropped.

What the fuck?

“From my condo.” He said, as if it were obvious.


“You have a condo here?” I asked, dumbfounded. He looked at me with an amused expression on his face.

“I have condos in a bunch of cities, Kitten. Where did you think I was staying when I came here to kidnap you?”

If I was being honest, I hadn’t really thought about it. He waved us into the van, looking around to make sure no one was watching before sliding the door shut behind us.

“What is all this stuff?” I asked, gesturing to the monitors and computers he had set up. There was a small generator as well, powering all the tech.

“My hacking shit. This is how I got into the police system the first time I was here trying to track you down.”

“You what?” Jeremy asked, looking horrified.

“Yeah. And to be honest, it wasn’t as hard as it should have been. Took me less than an hour.” He fired up one of the computers and the monitors sprang to life. He clacked away on a keyboard, doing who knows what. Suddenly, the monitors filled with a live feed from the precinct’s cameras. We had eyes on every room, even the interrogation rooms and holding cells. Rycon jabbed his finger at one of the feeds on the screen, turning to face us.

“This is the check-out for the armory, and here’s the armory itself. If we want to do this without being detected, it would probably be best for Raven to shadow walk Jeremy and I in, then come back here and keep an eye on the cameras to make sure we’re not interrupted. I don’t think we’ll be able to slip past zippy-the-wonder-cop to go in through the front door.” He said, referring to the armed man who was stationed behind the desk by the entrance to the armory.

“I need to disarm the motion sensors first. I can install a firewall that will temporarily take them out but we’ll need to get in and out quickly.”

I glanced at Jeremy. He was so pale I thought he might pass out. The fact that Rycon had been able to so easily hack into and disarm the Toronto Police system was clearly not sitting well with him. I was more amazed that the shifter even had this stuff here at all.

“I still can’t get over the fact that you just had this van chilling at a condo… that you own.” I muttered, and he frowned at me.

“Why not? I had a whole ass life before I met you, Kitten. You keep forgetting I’m a fucking mercenary. A damn good one at that. How do you think I found you? I hacked the police system. How do you think I did all that? On a fucking cell phone?” He snorted and I shrugged.

“Yeah, I guess not. To be honest, I didn’t really think about it.”

“Clearly,” he muttered, typing away on his keyboard, I assumed to work on disabling the motion detectors.

“So how many condos do you have? How can you afford all this?” I wondered aloud, still trying to imagine what a condo owned by Rycon would look like. He glanced up from what he was doing and smirked.
