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“Nytara, stop.” He said calmly, and she hit the bounds of her own slavery bond so hard I nearly winced on her behalf. She screamed in pain at the unexpected restraints of the magick and stumbled back away from me, before falling to her knees. Her rapier clattered across the ground and I chuckled softly at her expense, before pushing myself up off the wall.

She had nearly frozen me to the stone, and my shirt cracked and pulled against the icy binds of her magic. Brushing snow off my shoulders, I sneered down at her, and she looked back up at me with hatred in her eyes.

“It’s time to go, Siren. Get up.” Kieran snapped at her. Her eyes flashed and she got to her feet. She snatched up her rapier, her knuckles cracking as she gripped the hilt of the blade. Her gaze never leaving mine.

“Listen to your master, Nytara. Don’t keep him waiting.” I smirked, exchanging my bored mask for an amused one.

“I’m going to kill you for that.” Nytara promised me, and I shrugged.

“We’ll see about that, Siren.” I said quietly, as Kieran forced her to follow him out of my cell.


Sofia gave each of us keys to our rooms and showed us up the stairs. The chalet was large enough to house the entire Board, and she informed us that magick folk would likely begin arriving over the course of the day to attend the opening meetings.

When I had first begun to accompany my grandmother to these events, some of the more serious meetings could span over the course of several weeks. The way Sofia pursed her lips and gave detailed instructions of the house rules we were expected to follow during our stay, I wondered if this would be one of those instances.

Finally, the Sorcerer General left us to our own devices, and I tossed my bag into my room before immediately heading to Meredith’s room next door. The rooms were clean and quaint. The warm cedar wood floors reflected the golden light that spilled in through the large windows, giving the space a cozy cottage feel. The wooden beds were dressed smartly with decorative pillows and complimentary mints. Each room had an adjoining bathroom and shower as well as an espresso bar.

Dossidian was already in Meredith’s room when I entered. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed against his great chest, watching her quietly as she unpacked. They both looked up as I entered. The shadowstone rapier Raven had given me was belted across my hip. I felt a little silly wearing it. I had never needed anything other than my magick in the past. The thought of using a sword in combat made me feel nervous. I didn’t really know where to start, but I knew Raven had been right. I needed to learn, and quickly.

As if summoned by my thoughts, the healed puncture wound in the crook of my neck throbbed slightly. If I had been more skilled with a blade, would I have been able to disarm The Siren? Would I have been able to prevent all of this from happening? I shook my head, dismissing the thought.

There was no use worrying about things I could not change. I could only make positive changes now. I would learn how to use this blade, and quickly. What happened at The Origin’s palace would not happen again.

I would not allow it.

“Where Mr. Abbey?” I asked, as Meredith frowned at her bag. She was unpacking medical supplies and counting bottles quietly.

“Hmm?” She asked, clearly distracted by her attempt at assessing inventory. Dossidian answered instead.

“He went with the Sorcerer General for a debrief.”

I frowned, wondering if I should have gone with them. I spun the ring on my finger that signified I was a certified member of The Board. This would be my first meeting as the official representative for the country of Jamaica. It made me nervous that I hadn’t been invited to Mr. Abbey and Sofia’s private meeting.

The fact that Trenton Blackwood had not arrived yet and would not be present either eased my worries a bit. Seeming to sense my concern, Dossidian continued.

“I believe he is simply debriefing her on what happened at The Origin’s palace. She seemed very concerned about The Lens, and Mr. Abbey suggested they discuss it over tea.”

My mouth twitched. Of course he did. There wasn’t much Mr. Abbey didn’t think could be solved with a civil conversation and a hot cup of tea.

“This is all wrong.” Meredith said suddenly, clearly flustered, and frustrated. She tapped her finger over her vials again before digging back into her bag and searching all the side pockets.

“What’s wrong?” Dossidian asked her, moving closer to inspect the bag with her.

“I’m missing so much hemoglo. I wouldn’t have forgotten it. It’s a staple in my healer kit…” She pursed her lips, looking concerned. Dossidian frowned, touching the small of her back gently with one hand and using his other to open the bag wider, his eyes scanning the dark depths of the leather kit. I watched Meredith jump slightly at his touch, before relaxing ever so slightly into it, a rosy tint touching her cheeks.

I bit my lip, forcing myself not to smile at the small demonstration of affection. My smile turned to a slight frown, however, as Dossidian seemed to realize that he had inadvertently touched her, and moved away.

He cleared his throat and took a clear step back.

“That is strange. Is it difficult to replace?” He asked, his voice noticeably more gruff than normal.

Meredith’s brow creased, and it wasn’t clear if it was due to the missing hemoglo or the distance Dossidian had suddenly put between them.

“It is not readily available in stores; I will need to brew some more. Most of the ingredients are not difficult to come by, but bloodroot is rare. At least back home, it’s especially difficult to find. Hopefully I will have more luck here.”

“Yuh can ask Sofia if yuh can use di chalet greenhouse. Mi sure if anyone has bloodroot readily available, it will be har.” I suggested.
