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“So… just how rich are you?” I asked Rycon incredulously from the passenger seat of the sprinter van. Jeremy and Cerenah were settled in the back with the rest of his equipment, holding on tight to the hand straps he had bolted into the walls.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He smirked at me, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of Kingdom of Cards.

“Raven. It’s rude to ask people about their income.” Jeremy chided me, though he looked like he was a little bit curious himself.

“Fine, don’t tell me. Do I at least get to see your condo?” I asked, and he glanced at me, looking amused.

“Sure, if you want. It’s nothing exciting. I hired some designer to furnish it and I rent it out when I’m not here. So if you were hoping to snoop you’ll be disappointed. It’s just an investment property.”

I huffed, annoyed.

“Are all your condo’s investment properties?” I asked and he chuckled, glancing over at me again before switching to steering with his knees so he could light up another cigarette.

“Why are you asking, Kitten? Fishing for real estate tips?” His eyes were shining with mirth. “I think you’re pretty much set, you know, since you’re primed to inherit a whole ass continent.”

I shrugged, “No, I know. I just realized I don’t actually know much about you. I would have never pegged you for some kind of real estate tycoon.” I remembered when we had first met, he had bought me running shoes to train in and I had accused him of stealing them. Knowing what I knew now I understood his indignation at the accusation. The couple of hundred bucks they had cost him were likely just a drop in the bucket.

He burst out a laugh before choking on the smoke of his cigarette as he turned into an underground parking garage on Portland Avenue.

“Real estate tycoon... you kill me.” He said, still laughing. The dim, warm lights of the underground garage enveloped us as we wound down the curving ramp.

“When I first started working for The Ironclad Company, I didn’t really care about the money. It was just a convenient perk. I was angry. Really angry. I was going to kill people anyway, so I thought I might as well get paid for it.” He shrugged before pulling slightly past an empty spot and reversing into it. He deftly cranked the wheel with the palm of his hand again as he twisted his head back, using the side mirrors to guide the van into place.

“I had never really had any money before. So when it started piling in it occurred to me that if I had all this cash I might as well figure out what to do with it. I don’t really trust those assholes in suits that invest money and crunch numbers, so I figured buying real shit would be better. Plus it’s convenient to have somewhere to stay when I’m travelling around for jobs. It also doubles as passive income.”

He unbuckled his seatbelt and hopped out of the van, slamming the door behind him. I wanted to ask him about The Ironclad Company, but he didn’t seem interested in discussing it any further.

He pulled open the sliding door to the side of the van, letting Jeremy and Cerenah out, before hopping back in, his cigarette dangling from his lip. He bent down to dig through a milk crate that seemed to be filled with different types of gun harnesses and straps. Once he had found what he was looking for, he glanced up at me.

“Alright. So, do you actually want to go up and see the condo? Or do you just want to get going?” He asked.

“If it’s just a rental, that’s no fun.” I pouted. “Let’s just go, I don’t want to waste any more time.”

He nodded. “Good.” He gestured for me to step aside before he flicked his butt out of the van, and I rolled my eyes.

Jeremy scowled and stomped it out on the concrete floor but didn’t say anything.

Since I had seen Rycon throw him up against the gun cage in the armory, things had been different between them. I knew something had gone down, but I hadn’t been able to hear what they were saying, and neither of them wanted to talk about it.

Rycon pulled his t-shirt over his head, exposing his armor beneath. He did the same with his jeans before unzipping the duffle bag and pulling out a huge gun. Dressed in only his armor and motorcycle boots, he attached the gun to a leather strap and glanced up at Jeremy.

“Carbine or MP5?” He asked, and though Jeremy looked stiff, he finally just said, “Carbine.”

Rycon nodded and tossed him the gun, which Jeremy caught and strapped across his back. The shifter went through the same process with another large firearm for himself. Then he moved on to a few handguns that went in holsters that belted around his hips. The harness he used for the larger gun held the firearm tight to his side, tucked securely under his arm. I realized it was so he wouldn’t lose the weapon if he shifted.

I remembered how annoyed he had been when he lost his handgun back at the docks because of his shift. He had kept that one in the waistband of his jeans, I supposed the holsters were more secure.

“Alright,” he hopped out of the van when he was done, the bag of ammo slung over his shoulder. “You guys have all your shit?” He asked, and I nodded, tugging on the straps to my own bag, which mostly just held a few changes of clothes and a toothbrush. Cerenah did the same, nodding curtly.

“Great.” He said, sliding the door shut and locking up.

“Let’s do this.” I gestured for them all to crowd closer.

“Show me where I need to take us, Cerenah.” I said, opening my mind to her. She nodded.

“If she is anywhere, she is likely in the city of Midasara, The Court of Greed’s capital. However, Midasara is wrapped in a toll barrier. We can’t shadow walk directly in.” She explained. I frowned at her.
