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“Now you’re speaking my language.” I leaned in close. “What do I need to do?”

“Well, it will likely take me a few days. I’ll have to set up a few meetings. How long are you staying in Midasara?”

“As long as the bitch decides she wants to keep me here.” I sighed, and Koliath nodded his head sympathetically, patting my hand with his ringed fingers. I forced myself not to rip his arm off.

“Well, in the meantime. We might as well have some fun.” He told me, taking a sip of his whiskey.

“I like fun.” I smirked at him. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well, I have a female waiting for me upstairs, I was going to fuck the shit out of her before heading over to Midasara’s Gold Plate to meet some friends for cards, if you want to join.” I wasn’t sure if he was inviting me to fuck the shit out of the female, or play cards. Or both. I selectively responded to the invitation to gamble.

I swirled the dregs of whisky in my glass and smirked at him. “I could be tempted to play some cards. Hope you’re ready to lose.”

He laughed and shook his head, as if the idea of him losing to me was preposterous.

“Does the bitch you’re tied to give you enough money for the private rooms? You can take a turn with Laeilina upstairs if not. Her pussy is smooth like butter, you’ll love it. She’s a young one too.” He said, his eyes flashing, waiting for my reaction to his comment. He was feeling me out. He wanted to know just how depraved I was, and if we had the same tastes.

We didn’t.

But I wasn’t going to let him know that.

I put on my most bored expression. “I’ve already seen most of what this place has to offer, and honestly, I’m disappointed. I’ve heard stories about Midasara and this place is a hole.” I threw my glass down on the bar as if it disgusted me. Koliath chuckled.

“Yes, I usually like to get my first round out of the way here, so I have more stamina later at some of the more exotic establishments... If you know what I mean.” He winked at me, and I forced myself to grin at him. I wanted to peel his eyelids off his fucking face.

“Well, if you have any recommendations of where I should check out next, I’m all ears.” I replied smoothly, moving to stand up. He frowned, looking disappointed.

“Well, if you’re over this place, maybe I’ll come with you and show you some other spots to check out before we head over to the Gold Plate. There are a few brothels I can show you that I am confident will live up to the stories you’ve heard of Midasara.”

I grinned at him, clapping him over the shoulder.

“Really? Thanks…” I trailed off, as if I didn’t already know his name.

“Koliath,” He gave me a slimy smile and reached out to shake my hand. He tossed several emerald shards down on the bar as he stood up. “Cancel my room, tell Laeilina I’ll be back for her sweet, sweet pussy tomorrow.” He winked at the bartender, as if he thought Laeilina would be anxiously waiting for his crusty ass to come back for her.

I wished I could let Laeilina know that she didn’t need to worry.

Koliath wouldn’t be coming back for her.

Once I was done with him, Koliath would never be coming again.


‘Alexa, Play Animal I Have Become, by Three Days Grace.’

It was still early, but the streets were starting to get busier. It was going to be a challenge to get Koliath somewhere secluded enough to do what I needed to do. I listened to him babble on about all the wonders that Sinner’s Boulevard had to offer, if only you knew where to look. I feigned mild interest, when in reality I was hanging onto every word. I was committing every single syllable he uttered to memory, in the hopes that something he said would inadvertently lead me to Kasha.

“Come down here, I know the owner of a speakeasy. You can’t get in unless you have the code. It changes every week and only select members get access. I think you’ll find more of the type of excitement that you’re looking for here.”

Either this daemon was a complete idiot, or had just been in a position of power so long that he didn’t even register me as a potential threat.

It was typical.

Males never assumed they were being hunted. In my experience, it was actually much more difficult to lure a female into a dangerous situation.

I had observed that females, on average, rarely took their safety for granted. They were much more suspicious, and likely to take precautions. They locked their doors, didn’t walk anywhere alone, and were typically ultra-aware of their surroundings when they were alone.

Males, on the other hand, confidently strode into dark alleys and got into vehicles with friendly strangers. They wouldn’t think twice about walking alone to their cars in underground parking garages or worry about wearing headphones while jogging at night.
