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Jobs where the target was a man were always the easiest. I never had to go to them. They almost always came right to me if I knew where to wait.

This was no different.

“How much farther?” I asked casually, following behind him.

“Just a few more yards. We’re almost there. You’re going to love it, trust me.” He said, though the rush of pheromones that rolled off of him told me that he was going to love it. Well… maybe he would have if he were ever going to get there.

Silently, I slipped my brand-new dagger that Raven had so generously gifted me out of my boot. In less time than it took for Koliath to finish his sentence, I sliced both of his achilles tendons. I had a hand wrapped around his mouth before he even realised he was in pain.

The hair on my arms stood up beneath my armor as his muffled screams vibrated across my palm, blood from his severed heels spilling over my boots.

Gods, did I love the feeling of hearing that scream.

“Shhh,” I whispered into his ear, as I dragged him deeper into the alleyway.

I came across a rusting metal door with no handle. I sniffed the door and listened, all while supporting the weight of Koliath’s now violently thrashing body. Whatever space was behind this door was empty.

I leaned forward and kicked back into the door as hard as I could, busting it open to reveal an abandoned commercial space. There were mattresses and empty bottles strewn about, surely from squatters who had long since moved on.

I kicked the busted door closed behind us. It didn’t sit right on the hinges, but I jammed it in enough that it held. No one would bother us in here.

I threw Koliath down onto one of the filthy mattresses and drew one of the Glocks I had holstered on my hip.

The moment I released him, he started screaming bloody murder. I felt the familiar twinge of power building, though he was much weaker than Raven and Amon. Remembering how Raven had nearly blown my arm off, I almost laughed at his pathetic attempt to summon his magick.

Cocking the gun, I pressed the barrel into his forehead.

He shut up immediately.

“Good, so you know what a gun is. Saves me having to show you.” I crouched down next to his head.

“What… what do you want?” He stammered. “I’ll give you anything! You want gold? Shards?” He emptied his pockets, spilling gold nuggets and emerald shards across the dirty mattress and onto the concrete floor.

I chuckled. “I don’t want your gold.” I said softly, switching the gun to my left hand, while flipping my dagger deftly from handle to blade and back to handle again, in my right.

“I want to know what you did to the chameleon.”

“What do you mean?” He asked, he seemed much more concerned with the dagger than the gun. Considering how close I was holding it to his groin, I didn’t blame him.

“I haven’t seen the chameleon in over a hundred years.”

I scraped the tip of the blade over the front of his pants, and he tried to shimmy away from me using his elbows.

“Fucking move again and this ends right here.” I said calmly, pressing the gun into his forehead so hard that his head tilted back. He swallowed, staring down at the knife between his legs in terror.

“Do you know where she is now?” I asked.

“N-no, I heard rumors that she’s back in the city, but she’s not at any of the clubs I belong to. I haven’t been able to track her down yet.”


He had been looking for her.

My hackles rose and a cold rage shot through my veins.

“Spread your legs.”

