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It was ridiculous, considering there were representatives in this room from all 195 countries. Many members of The Board did not speak English at all and required translation spells during Board meetings. But the intended barb was clear. I had expected Trenton to play dirty and make this personal. However, knowing he would do it did not make it any easier to witness.

“I’m not going to argue with anything the Honorable Conrad Brown has said. War is a necessary evil. A necessary evil that we are facing due to the failures of our own kind.” I narrowed my eyes on him. Where was he going with this?

“Sorcerer General, permission to address the Requisitioning Council.”

“Granted.” Sofia responded curtly. Trenton approached me, a wicked smile curling on his face.

“Honorable Conrad Brown, you claim that Queen Ash Nevra has possession of a powerful artifact. The Flute, I think you called it… sorry, it was difficult for me to understand with your accent.”

I forced myself to stay calm. I kept my face neutral, even friendly, and I nodded.

“Yeah. Di Flute.” I responded, making no effort to school my accent whatsoever.

“And what is it that The Flute can do?”

“It can stop enemies in der tracks, force shifters tuh change against der will, and unfreeze tings dat are frozen.”

“Hmm, that certainly does sound like a formidable piece of magick. Tell me, has Ash Nevra always had access to this artifact?”

It hit me suddenly, what he was doing. My blood ran cold.

“Nah.” I responded curtly. Trenton feigned shock and confusion, looking dramatically back over his shoulder at the audience.

“No? So how is it that she suddenly came into possession of something so powerful? Did she hunt it down and find it herself?”

“No.” I replied tightly.

“Can you tell me then who was responsible for uncovering The Flute, and hand delivering it to Ash Nevra?”

“Sorcerer General, mi protest.” I said, looking away from Trenton. “He leading dis interrogation out of context.”

“It’s justified, answer the question, Honorable Conrad Brown.” She said. I couldn’t read her expression. I was backed into a corner.

“Mi and Di Origin’s Daughter sought out di Flute. We looking fah a way to awaken Di Origin and return balance.”

“Hmm. But that’s not what happened, is it?” Trenton pressed, giving me a slimy smile.


“What did happen, Mr. Brown?”

I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to find a way to spin this in my favor. I came up with nothing.

“Wi brought Di Flute to Di Origin’s palace to wake him, but we were overpowered by Di Queen, Kieran and Di Siren. She took Di Flute from us.”

“So, is it safe to say that you failed in your duties in upholding the balance?”

“Mi protest,” I snapped again up at Sofia, she pursed her lips and replied,


I sighed.

“It is nah too late, wi can still -”

“Yes or no, Mr. Brown.” Trenton said cooly, examining his fingernails.

“Yes.” I bit out, and he looked up from his careful examination of his hand back at The Court, a handsome smile on his clean-cut face.
