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‘I would have hoped that if you were going to relive memories of us, they would be more pleasant than this one. Was I so unmemorable that you would rather be here, in this nightmare?’

I was teasing her and it was working, her scowl deepened, and I swallowed back the urge to laugh.

‘I don’t get to choose my dreams, asshole.’ She snarked haughtily.

I wanted to bite her lips until she apologized for calling me names. Instead, I pressed closer.

‘That’s where you’re wrong, my dark, dangerous little Queen.’ I whispered; my mouth hovering inches from hers. ‘There is no limit to what you can control. You only have to try.’

I was so close, that if this were not a dream, I would have been basking in the sweet aroma of summer rain.

However, it was a dream, and there were no scents or tastes here. I wondered if this was what hell was like. To be so close to everything you loved, but only have access to small parts of it. Would it be easier to not have access to her at all? Surely, feeding myself these tiny pieces of her just continued to fuel my addiction, prolonging the symptoms of withdrawal.

As her consciousness rocked and pulled itself into lucidity before me, and she was able to free herself from the state of sleep paralysis her mind had held her in, I decided I didn’t care.

As she slowly took control of her own mind, I spread my fingers into her hair, tilting her face up.

‘Bring us to our bedroom.’ I demanded softly. I felt a spear of arousal erupt through her mind. I knew that wherever she rested, her body would be responding to the heat in my words.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. My mouth curled in approval as she fought against the dream and tried to manifest the bedroom. After a moment of effort, she made an adorable little sound and looked up at me in frustration.

Proud of her for trying, I rubbed my thumb over her cheek, before taking over. In a moment, our surroundings twirled and misted into wisps of smoke and shadow, reforming the metaphysical space into a personification of our bedroom.

I dropped my hands to her waist and pressed forward, until the back of her legs hit the bed.

‘I want you to wake up with my name on your lips,’ I told her, before pulling away. She was looking up at me with hooded eyes, and her little pink mouth parted for me. ‘Remove your armor.’ I demanded, before gently tucking her hair behind her ear. She moved to hook her fingers over the seam of her restructium suit, but I snatched up her wrists, shaking my head. ‘No. This is a dream. Remove it with your mind.’

‘I don’t know how,’ she whispered, looking frustrated. I chuckled, leaning forward, and nipping her bottom lip gently. She moaned into my mouth, and I swallowed the sound greedily before pulling away, tugging her lip between my teeth as I did.

‘That has never stopped you before. Try for me, and I will give you a reward if you succeed.’ I promised her. She gave me another annoyed little look, before doing as she was told, closing her eyes to focus.

After a brief moment, her armor faded away, leaving her naked before me. Even in her dreams, she was still so unsure and hesitant. Her initial reflex to cover herself as she stood before me was both endearing and infuriating.

I tightened my grip on her wrists, forcing her arms away from her body and moving back, so that I could take her in.

‘Never hide yourself from me.’ I growled. My eyes followed every perfect dip and curve. Every intricate white spiral of her beautiful scars that laced up her body in depictions of all the things that she loved. Sunflowers, coffee beans and passages from books coated her from ankle to wrist in thin white lines of raised flesh.

Still holding her wrists, I leaned forward. Dipping my head to her chest, I ran my tongue over her scars, tracing them until my teeth found the tip of her nipple.

I pushed my power through her resting body, to mimic the movements I was projecting in her mind, and she groaned and arched against my mouth. That sound was the most beautiful sound in the world. I wanted to hear her make it again and again.

Pulling the rest of her nipple into my mouth, I sucked, hard enough to draw another gasp from her perfect throat. I released her wrist, and wrapped my hand around her neck, pulling away from her breast with a satisfying ‘pop.’

Using the hand I had wrapped around her, I guided her back to lay on the bed, holding myself over her as I did so.

‘I am going to make you come so hard that you wake up screaming my name.’ I smirked against her, and she shuddered. ‘Would you like that?’ I asked and she nodded.

‘You know better than that by now, Raven.’ I smirked, before nipping at her bottom lip again. ‘Say it. Tell me what you want.’

‘Please Amon.’ She whimpered, but I just smirked at her until she gave me what I wanted.

‘Use your words.’ I coaxed, pressing my lips softly against the corner of her mouth. Finally, after another long moment of uncertainty, she caved. ‘I want you to make me come.’ She begged, and my cock grew so hard that it hurt. Hearing her beg for me would never get old. I would never get tired of it. I kissed her, and the second she gave me access to her tongue, I pulled it into my mouth and sucked until she moaned for me.

‘Such a good fucking girl.’ I released her and sat back, straddling her naked hips.

‘Why are you still in your clothes? Take them off.’ She tried to order me, her disembodied voice echoing through the dream, and I shook my head with a smile.

‘No. This is about you.’ I said, sliding off of her. ‘I want you to give me all of you, and I want to see you spread before me. Get on your hands and knees.’
