Page 102 of The Dominion of Sin

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Holding up a flexible measuring tape to Rycon, Sable tutted her tongue. “We have never made armor for a shifter before,” she murmured, and he frowned.

“Will I be able to easily get out of it, if I need to shift?” He asked, and she glanced to the back of the shoppe, where I knew Kael was busy at work in the back room.

“It is an interesting challenge,” she replied, looking as if she had just been struck with an idea. She turned to Amon and I. “We will be able to accommodate the suits for the magick folk rather quickly. Though I do encourage you to bring them back when you are finished with your mission, so that we can take more time to perfect them.” She glanced back at Rycon, tapping her finger against her mouth. “Would it be possible to give us a few hours to complete the suit for the shifter?”

I turned to Amon. “Maybe we can grab a bite to eat somewhere while we wait?” I asked, and he nodded, the corner of his mouth curling up at the corner.

“Yes, we could do that,” he replied, eyeing me mischievously. “Do not think that this counts as our date. I have plans for you, once this is all over.” My face flushed and my stomach erupted in butterflies. I loved when he had plans. So far, his plans had ended with me curling my toes and gasping his name.

“This is just lunch,” I laughed, shaking my head. I turned to Sable. “How much time do you need?”

“As much time as you can give us.”

“We will return at sunset,” Amon said, “Hopefully that is enough time.”

Sable nodded, eyeing Rycon up and down thoughtfully. “We shall see.” She responded, though her mind was clearly somewhere else.

Amon took us to a quaint bistro down the street, where we sat on the patio, together in the sun. The food was simple, local, and fresh, and there was a variety of sandwiches, salads and light pastas to choose from.

Despite the upcoming mission that loomed over us, we managed to spend the afternoon laughing, and enjoying ourselves. I tried my best not to let myself wonder if this would be the last time, we would do something like this, as a team. Even if we were successful in our mission, once everything was said and done, I was sure Conrad and Meredith would return to their homes on the other side of The Veil. Rycon would return to Olkuyrbe to lead his leap. Then there was Jeremy… I would need to figure out what I was going to do about Jeremy.

I slipped my consciousness down the magickal line that attached to the trace I had placed on him. I frowned, it was still dark, and he was nowhere to be found.

“Amon,” I said as I mentally came back to the patio. “I still can’t see Jeremy.” His brow creased in concern.

“What do you mean you can’t see him?”

“When I follow the trace, it’s dark. It has been since yesterday. I noticed when we told the team about the Omnikey. I forgot to mention it to you… a lot was going on.”

He was quiet for a moment, thinking.

“When you placed it on him, you were just learning how to wield your powers properly. It may have just not been installed correctly and faded.” He said. I pursed my lips.

“I’m worried,” I told him. He took my hand under the table and squeezed my fingers.

“Tomorrow, we will go check on him.” He promised me, and I nodded. Though I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. I wished I could go check on him now. But the sun was beginning its descent, and we were out of time.

Amon paid our bill, leaving several extra emerald shards behind, thanking the daemon for the impeccable service. We then returned to The Restructium Shoppe.

Sable beamed at us as we entered. “I think you’re going to be very happy.” She said, as Kael came up behind her, holding a heap of black armor in her heavily tattooed arms. Streaks of soot now marked Kael’s face, and she gave us a satisfied grin.

“Always a creative challenge when you come to our shoppe, Prince Amon,” Kael said gruffly, handing out the suits to their respective counterparts.

Sable continued, “For the Obeah Man and his water magic, we thought it would be helpful to add some tubing, to hold water that he can use in the event that he finds himself without.” Sable said, as Conrad accepted the armor from Kael. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, grinning at the daemon with appreciation.

“Thank yuh,” he said, marveling at the craftsmanship. Kael nodded curtly, before moving onto Meredith.

“For the green witch, we prioritized pockets and storage. Prince Amon tells us you are a powerful healer. This way, you can travel with things you might need easily.” Sable said, smiling.

Meredith beamed, accepting her suit gratefully as well. “Thank you so much,” she marveled at the material, running her hand over it. “I do not think there has ever been a time in history when magick folk have been gifted such a thing.” She whispered. Kael patted her shoulder, before moving on to Rycon.

“And finally, Kael’s masterpiece,” Sable said reverently, as Kael handed Rycon his suit. “I’ve always known my mate was a genius, but even I wasn’t sure if she could pull something like this off in such a short time span.”

Rycon frowned, “What’s so special about it? It looks just like everyone else’s.” He muttered, eyeing the restructium critically.

The stoic Kael gave Rycon a small smile, before Sable answered.

“This armor will shift with you, when you change.” Sable said, her eyes flashing with pride. Rycon’s head snapped up.
