Page 107 of The Dominion of Sin

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“Go. Now.” I snapped. She looked like I had slapped her, but I barely had time to soften.

‘If this is the end, you must save Jeremy,’ I urged through her mind. Her eyes widened. ‘Please Mer. Make sure he is safe,’ I pleaded. A tear spilled over and slid down my cheek. Finally, she nodded, and turned to Dossidian, who had a firm grip on my father, and was asking him if he was able to walk.

I watched them leave and let out a sigh of relief. For one shining moment, it didn’t matter what happened to me. Jeremy was safe. After they had left, it took only a moment for the sobering nature of reality to come screeching back to me.

By saving Jeremy, I had put nearly every other person I cared about at risk. I had botched the mission. Closing my eyes, I counted to ten, before turning to face the consequences of my actions.


Ash Nevra looked up at us with a simpering, sweet smile on her pouty lips, The Flute cradled in her hands. Some small part of me prayed that she didn’t know which notes to play. I hadn’t brought the music. Even if I had, it wasn’t likely she would know how to read the ancient language of Sinithian. I glanced at the frozen face of The Origin, and realized I was praying to a god who had already fallen. It wasn’t a prayer. It was a fool’s dream.

I felt Amon, Kasha and Conrad rally their magick as she put her fingers into position. Rycon tensed behind us. My chest tightened.

We would still try.

I called to my own aura and as I gathered the matter that existed around the wicked Queen. I put every fiber of my energy into being quick enough to tear her apart before The Flute touched her lips.

It wasn’t enough.

She played the first melody that the widowmaker had taught us. The music washed over me, and I felt my magic freeze and my body stiffen.

I did not turn to stone, but I might as well have, for how much power I had over my body and my magick. Once she was satisfied that none of us could move, she held a hand out in front of us, and used her power to lift us off the ground to levitate in the air, much the same way she had done to Jeremy.

“Good,” she cooed. “You know how much I love a captive audience. Why don’t you come up here, by me, Prince Amon?” With a flick of her wrist, she floated my immobile mate away from me, and closer to her, watching me closely while she did it. She wanted me to watch, as she played with him. With my friends.

Rage pulsed through my veins, but there was nowhere for it to go. I couldn't move. I could barely turn my head. The tiny planets and stars that made up my aura, had stopped spinning. All I could do was watch, as she stalked around my mate, baiting me with every step.

She idly passed The Flute to the Siren, as she ran her hand down Amon’s chest. He looked down at her, his mask finally broken. The look of disgust he allowed her to see told me that everything was over. If he was letting her see the truth of how he felt about her; he did not think we were going to make it out of here alive. I slid my eyes, the only thing I could still move, to try to find Conrad, Kasha and Rycon. Conrad and Kasha were close enough to me, I could see them in my peripheral vision. Rycon was still behind me, and I couldn’t even flex my aura to feel for him.

However, he was my bonded, and Elvira’s circlet, though it did not protect us from the magick of The Flute, it did run an electrifying line of power down the bond. If I focused, I could follow it to him. My mind, slow and sluggish from The Flute’s spell, was still able to connect with his.

‘Rycon, can you hear me?’ I hissed down the bond.

‘Yes,’ His response came broken and disjointed, as if he were gritting the word out through metaphysical teeth.

‘We need a plan,’ I continued, watching Ash Nevra as she stroked a piece of Amon’s hair away from his face. Running her long crimson fingernails tenderly down the side of his cheek.

‘I can barely fucking move, Kitten,’ He replied. My heart leapt.

‘Barely?’ I asked. If he could move enough to shift, maybe he could break free.

‘Rayven,’ Conrad’s mind swept across my thoughts, and I was suddenly grateful, that I was unable to move my face. The shock and excitement I felt at his ability to manage enough magick to communicate mind to mind thrilled me. It wasn’t much, but it was something.

‘Can you move at all?’ I asked him. ‘Can you contact Kasha?’ Try as I might, my mind couldn’t reach hers, or Amon’s. I slid my eyes over to Kasha, she was stiff and immobile, her brandy eyes wide. I wondered if The Flute’s magick was designed to affect daemons. Was there a possibility that Conrad, Rycon and I were able to flex under the spell, because we were made up of something else? Was the fragile piece of me that had been human, possibly my saving grace?

‘No, mi cyaa reach Kasha,” Conrad said, he paused, as if making sure before continuing. ‘But mi tink mi can call mi magick.’ My eyes slid to him, pride and hope rolled through me.

Maybe we could get out of this after all.

‘The Siren has The Flute,’ I whispered to Rycon and Conrad. ‘Conrad, if you can use enough magick to break free and get The Flute away from her, we can take out Ash Nevra and Kieran. Rycon, if you shifted, do you think you could break free?’ I asked.

‘I don’t know, Kitten. Maybe,’ He replied. I hated that I couldn't see him.

‘We have to try,’ I hissed back.

‘Obviously,’ he snarled. ‘I don’t plan on fucking dying today.’

‘Good. When I say go, we move… or, at least you two do. I can’t access my power at all.’
