Page 75 of The Dominion of Sin

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I was so surprised by the gesture, that I felt an unexpected sob well up in my chest. Amon slid behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, before planting a kiss on the side of my head.

“I know your birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but we figured we would celebrate tonight.” He told me. Conrad was grinning, already cutting into the cake to hand out some slices.

“Tomorrow will be a big day, wi think der might nuh be much time fuh cake,” he said.

Rycon snorted. “Yeah. You also might literally die. But here’s to hoping,” he said, accepting both a slice of cake and a glare from Conrad.

“I don't know, I’m actually feeling pretty confident!” I said, coming forward to grab a slice of cake as well.

“You should! You kicked ass today,” Kasha beamed.

Meredith nodded in agreement. “Yes, really Raven. It was impressive to watch,” I blushed. Looking around at my friends, I felt so touched I could cry. Never in my life had I expected to be surrounded by so many people who so obviously cared for me. I just wished that Jeremy and Clair could have been here to see it.

While everyone was busy with their cake, I took a moment to peek through the trace I had planted on Jeremy to check in on him. My heart broke. He was at the kitchen table again, surrounded by pages and pages of complex math. It was almost as if he hadn’t left that spot since I last checked on him. He held a birthday card that said, ‘I can’t believe you’re 18!’ He ran his thumb over the lettering before putting it aside and covering his face with his hands.

I left as quickly as I had come. The pain in my chest was too much, I couldn’t take it. As soon as this was over, I was going to tell him everything.

Unaware that I had gone anywhere, Kasha was holding one of the beautifully wrapped gifts in front of me.

“Open mine first!” She beamed. I gave her a weak smile and accepted the package. “You need cuter stuff; you can tell your wardrobe was made by a male.” She chirped, looking pointedly at Amon.

“I was going for practical,” he shrugged, looking amused. My eyes widened. I hadn’t known that Amon had filled my wardrobe himself. I thought of the silk slips and wondered if those had been chosen for their practicality as well. I looked around the room at my friends and smiled at them gratefully.

“Guys, I don’t know what to say. You didn’t have to do all of this,”

“You don’t have to say anything,” Dossidian smiled. “Just open mine next. Not to spoil the surprise, but… it’s a weapon.”


The next morning came quickly, and the celebratory energy the team had exuded the night before had matured into something more serious. I woke up, understanding suddenly, why it was called the Quickening.

It felt as if my whole body was becoming more solid, more real. My aura and my power that lived in my chest, which had always felt like too much, began to feel even more heavy. It was as if my blood itself was beginning to thicken.

I pulled my armor on, as I had every day prior, though today it felt different. More significant. It might quite literally save my life in my fight with the Titan Frira. It felt like it knew today was a big day and gave me an extra squeeze as it painted itself over my body.

I came out of the bathroom to find Amon waiting for me, with a steaming cup of coffee.

“Ready?” He asked, handing me the cup. I gave him a resolute nod. I was.

“I feel like it’s calling me,” I said, turning to look out of the mouth of my room, towards Mount Frira. Amon nodded.

“That’s because it is. This is what I meant, when I said this is one of the few things I cannot protect you from. Even if you had not trained, and I had not told you about this, you likely would have found yourself on the edge of the volcano ready to jump in.”

I shuddered. “Well, good thing I had you to prepare me,” I said. He gave me a roguish grin.

“Yes. Good thing,” he replied.

We made our way to the common room to meet the team.

“Wha’ di plan?” Conrad asked. The intense feeling in my chest calling me to go to Mount Frira was building. I found myself looking out the mouth of the common room more and more frequently. I needed to go. The time was coming. Amon noticed right away.

“We need to go now, she won’t be able to resist the call much longer,” he said grimly.

“I will shadow walk with her there. The top of Mount Frira is extremely hostile. I am not sure if it is suitable for magick folk and shifters, but you are of course invited to come as far as you are able.” He said. Conrad and Meredith nodded.

“Of course, we will come,” Meredith said, coming forward and taking my hand. I smiled at her, but again, was unable to focus. I needed to get to the mountain, now.

The team gathered around us, and we shadow walked away, rematerializing at the base of the volcano.
