Page 99 of The Dominion of Sin

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“Ok, let’s get up and get ready,” I said. “I’m interested to hear what everyone else thinks.”

Hand in hand, we found the rest of the team gathered, waiting for us. Conrad was busy filling up his plate with salted fish and banana fritters, Meredith was curled up next to him, sipping a steaming hot cup of tea. Rycon was lounging across from them, staring into the large obsidian fireplace, while Kasha and Dossidian chatted by the opening in the wall, looking out across the Court of Pride.

It was almost an identical picture, to the scene I had entered the day Amon had made me come with him to see The Eye. I remembered how angry I had been at him. I remembered that I had thought he had wanted to sacrifice me to The Eye.

He had known then that I was his mate. Everything he had done; he did with the intention of helping me. He had never been trying to hurt me. My heart swelled with emotion, and I squeezed his hand.

‘What?’ He asked into my mind, looking at me with a sort of amused curiosity.

‘Nothing, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you,’ I whispered back. He looked shocked for a moment, before his eyes softened.

‘On the contrary, Raven, it is I that is lucky, to have you.’ he replied, the corner of his mouth quirking up.

‘How about we just compromise, and say that we are luckier than most, to have found each other.’

He dipped his head once in agreement, ‘Deal,’ he said.

“Morning everyone,” I greeted the team, and they looked up at us as we entered. I let go of Amon’s hand and made my way toward Kasha.

“Morning Kasha, how are you?” I asked her, she met my eyes and gave me a reassuring smile.

“I’m OK,” she replied. Her tone didn’t invite further conversation, so I let it go. I glanced over at Rycon, and found he was now watching us, instead of the fire. I wondered if he had been able to find her the night before. I considered opening the bond to ask, but that felt like a violation of privacy. So, I left it closed. If they wanted to talk to me about it, they would.

Amon came over to join the three of us, with a steaming cup of coffee for me. I took it from him, kissing him gently in thanks.

“Aww,” Dossidian teased, “So sweet. I was beginning to wonder, Raven, if you would ever give our broody prince a chance.”

I laughed, and Amon scowled at him. “Well, after he told me everything, it was hard not to consider it.” I joked back. “I mean, after a hundred years of waiting, I suppose he earned a date, at the very least.”

Amon’s eyes flashed, “Is that a not-so-subtle hint that you would like me to take you out?” He asked mischievously. I smirked at him, taking a sip of my coffee.

“It couldn’t hurt your chances,” I replied. His eyes darkened and he stepped forward, taking my mating stone in between his fingers as he drew close.

“May I remind you, my love, that you are already mine,” he said softly, leaning forward and kissing me gently. My heart fluttered, and he pulled back, his lips curling at the corners. He knew what kind of effect he had on me. “However, I do believe a night out could be arranged.” I smiled up at him, and for a moment, it was just the two of us. There was no looming war, no impending battle, no evil tyrant. We were just a new couple planning a date night out.

“Not to ruin the moment,” Rycon piped up from where he was lounging in the pit. I sighed.

“Why do I have the feeling that’s exactly what you’re about to do?” I asked, turning to face him. He smirked at me and shrugged.

“Because I am. We need to figure out what we’re going to do.”

Conrad nodded. “Wi did reason it, and der are a few ways we can approach dis. None of dem are perfect. Meredith and me find dis last night, while yuh were in di dungeons.” He pulled out a large roll of parchment, that had been yellowed with age.

“What’s that?” I asked coming forward. Kasha, Dossidian and Amon followed suit.

Conrad’s eyes flashed, and he gave me one of his more devilish lopsided grins.

“Di plans for di Origin’s castle.”


Amon cleared the table of the breakfast foods, so there was room for Conrad to lay the schematics out. We all gathered around, looking over the drawing in awe.

“This is incredible,” Kasha breathed, “Look, when they were planning on building the castle, there were two more entrances here and here.” She frowned, tracing her fingers along the drawing. This one seems to go directly into the dungeons, I have been down there more times than I would like to admit, I have never seen an exit.”

Conrad pulled out The Lens, and flipped it into the air, before catching it deftly again, and placing it on top of the map.

“Do yuh think, dat maybe di other entrances have been hidden with magick? We could use Di Lens to find out.”
