Page 5 of Spell It Out

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“You’ve got some kind of power whirling around inside of you. I can feel it. But it’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before.”

His mouth curls and he smirks at me lasciviously. “I’ll show you my power if you show me yours.”

That torrid heat unfurls in my belly again and I push it down. He reaches for me and I cross my arms backing away. His burning gaze drifts down to my breasts where they’ve plumped up over the low neckline of my dress.

I put my hands down and back away. There’s a tentative bond trailing between us. I can see the golden threads, ephemeral in the air that’s sizzling with the chemistry between the two of us. I glance around, surprised that nobody else can feel it. It feels so strong that it can’t possibly be hidden.

“I need to go,” I gasp out, feeling shards of glass drawing blood in my soul when I say those words.

This man is my mate. A human mate. The last thing I want in this world.

With a breaking heart, I turn and run, my own tears blurring my vision until I’m just running blindly into people and walls and whatever crosses my path.

My heart pounds and my breath puffs out of me in rapid-fire bursts.

“I can’t do this,” I cry, jumping into my car and racing away from my fate, my future, my mate.

All the things, all rolled up into one gorgeous human male that I can’t have.



It’s been days and I can’t stop thinking about her. She’s like a memory that won’t leave, an itch I haven’t scratched that’s driving me crazy in the best way.

I need her. But she ran. Why would she run? She seemed into me when we were kissing and then she just took off like all the demons of hell were chasing her plump, juicy, bouncing ass.

That image has me fucking hard as a rock. I like the looks of that little witch coming and going.

I need to figure out what to do with that woman. Because I can’t forget about her and my dick’s been hard for two days. Strangely, I can’t seem to feel anything from her. I couldn’t then either. Which is weird as hell because I feel stuff off of total strangers that I could care less about. My feelings for her were off the charts, top of the Richter scale crazy!

But it was like there was a damn black cloud over her mind and her soul and I just couldn’t find her.

“What should I do?” I whisper to myself. I try and pull up the app but just like before, the weirdness continues and now the link won’t work at all.

But I’ve got her name. Trinity Strega. And if I can’t track my devious little witch down with her name, I should be ashamed of myself. Should give up my author card and go hang around in the park with the crazies.

After the storm the other day, the weather has warmed up pretty alarmingly.

From one day to the next it went from fifteen degrees to about seventy. The trees are blooming which of course sets my allergies off and I grab my nasal spray, spraying it twice in each nostril.

Then I sniff and try not to think about how damn unappealing that whole look is. If Trinity saw me…what would she think?

She didn’t seem thrilled to see that I was human…with a little bit extra from my empath sensitivity. Which I don’t talk about unless I totally have to.

But I would have told her eventually…if she hadn’t run like her non-existent pants were on fire.

Bam! Bam!

“Shit!” I jump, spilling coffee all over myself.

I stalk to the door and push it open. Jaxon pushes past me and I snarl, “Come on in, asshole. What the hell are you doing here?”

He whirls and the look on his face makes me pause. “What the hell happened the other day? I know that you got on the app and then I found out that you actually had a date with one of the witches! That’s not supposed to happen. How did that happen? The app should have blocked you because you’re human.”

I shrug. “Well, human-ish.”

His dark eyes narrow. “What does that even mean?”
