Page 256 of Massimo

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“Yes – yes – YES!” she cried out as she leaned over and kissed me on the mouth.

Everyone in the room clapped and cheered.

When Lucia pulled away, I took the ring out of the box.

“Now we can replace the other one,” I said as I reached out –

She jerked her hand back like she’d touched a hot stove. “NO. I’m never giving this up.”

“But – ”

She smiled down at me through her tears. “It’s a reminder of the happiest day of my life. Well… the second happiest day, now.”

I grinned back at her and slipped the ring on her finger next to its more modest twin.

She leaned down and kissed me again.

Everyone else cheered and clapped some more – except for the Widow.

“Two rings?” she asked, perplexed. “Did I miss something?”

“I… kind of already proposed to her a few days ago,” I explained.

“I see,” the Widow said. “Well, that’s very – ”

“Nona,” Lucia warned.

“I was going to say, ‘Romantic,’” the old lady replied. “Come here.”

Lucia smiled, then walked over and hugged her grandmother.

“We have a wedding to plan!” Alessandra said happily.

“It’ll have to wait,” Niccolo said. “We have another one to attend first.”

“What? What are you talking about?” I asked.

I noticed that Alessandra straightened up again. Both her face and her body language grew cold.

Niccolo glanced over at her and sighed, then looked back at me. “As soon as you can travel, we need to go to Sicily.”


“Because Valentino’s getting married there.”

I frowned in surprise. “To that girl who works in the kitchen? What’s her name – Caterina?”

Alessandra looked away, her face furious.

“No,” Niccolo said quietly. “It’s an arranged marriage – to the daughter of the Cosa Nostra family that runs Sicily.”
