Page 30 of Twilight Sins

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He shakes his head. “I don’t know anything. I swear. They send, I go. You know?”

The guy is young. Barely Nikandr’s age. His beard is thin and scraggly and his limbs still look too long for his body. Calling him the bottom rung of Akim Gustev’s ladder would be a promotion.

That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have useful information.

“Who are you here to watch?” I ask.

Sweat is already beading on his forehead. “No one.”

“I guess I should make myself clear: lie to me and you also die. Actually,” I say, pressing him back against the car until his spine pops, “most paths lead to you dying. There’s only one that might save your life. I suggest you talk.”

Luna lives on a quiet street, so there’s no one else on the sidewalks. One taxi passes by, but he doesn’t even glance our way. People say humans are becoming desensitized to violence as a bad thing, but it makes my job a hell of a lot easier.

I grab his collar and lift him onto his toes. “Who are you here to watch?”

He sputters for air, but still doesn’t respond.

I sigh. “Whatever you’re doing here, it must be pretty important for the boss to let you skip the big meeting today.”

His eyes go wide. “How do you know about?—”

“I know everything,” I snap. “Just like I already know why you’re here. The only reason I’m asking is to give you a chance to make yourself useful.”

Nikandr found out about the meeting between Akim and his mysterious weapons dealer a few days ago. There’s precious little intel beyond the fact that the meeting is happening. “Where” and “with whom” are still at the top of my questions list. I’d love to hear what this mudak’s thoughts are.

I lift him a little higher off the ground and he whimpers. “It’s your girl. The blonde.”

“You don’t even know her name?”

“I don’t need to know it,” he says. “I have a picture.”

He gestures towards the car. I look past him and see a blown-up image of Luna sitting in his passenger seat. It’s from last night. She’s standing next to my table, her hip cocked to one side, a hand pushing through her blonde hair. The shot is a little blurry, but she’s unmistakable.

I turn my attention back to him, my fingers itching to crush his windpipe. “What was your objective?”

“To watch her and?—”

“Don’t fucking lie to me,” I growl. “You’ve wasted enough of my time today. Waste another second and I’ll make sure you don’t see the next one.”

He swallows hard. “I was just doing what I was told! Akim wanted someone stationed here so that when she came outside…”

“You’d kill her.”

He ducks his head. “It’s nothing personal. Not for me. It’s just another job.”

“I completely understand.” I lower him to the ground and take a half-step back. “For instance, I’m going to kill you right here on the sidewalk, but it’s nothing personal. Just another job.”

When I press the gun to the side of his neck, he squeezes his eyes closed. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know! Just please, please don’t kill me.”

“Who is Akim meeting with?”

“I don’t know.”

I click my tongue and cock the gun. “Try again.”

“I really don’t know,” he insists. “I’m still green. I get sent out on jobs like overnight surveillance to take out a woman on her way home. I’m not in the mix for a lot of the more important stuff.”

The way he casually suggests taking out Luna is menial work has my finger resting on the trigger. “One last chance. Tell me what you know or I’ll?—”
