Page 35 of Twilight Tears

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I lower her back down to the bed and wrap my arm around her waist. She tucks herself against my front and seals her body to mine like she’s afraid I’ll disappear. There isn’t a breath of space between us.

I hold her like that until her breathing levels out and she’s asleep. At some point, I fall asleep, too.

Only to wake up to Luna screaming again.

It can’t have been more than an hour since the last time she woke up. Her hands are fisted in the sheets. She’s bucking against me, fighting to get my arm off of her waist. “No,” she rasps. “No, no.”

I hold her tighter, my lips against her ear. “It’s me, Luna. It’s me.”

She goes still, but her body is rigid. She feels like a board in my arms.

“Yakov.” She sighs, sagging into the mattress. She pulls my arm further around her until my hand is over her racing heart.

“Your heart is pounding.”

It should be pounding because I’m inside of her. Because she’s falling apart around my cock and screaming for more. That’s the only reason this woman should ever be trembling in my bed. The fact that there are other demons tearing her apart is my fucking fault. My fucking failure.

“It was a bad dream. I’m sorry I woke you up.”

She readjusts and my hand slides under the neck of her shirt. I feel the curve of her breast against my fingers. Her ass presses back into me.

I’m rock-hard. Sleeping with her against me was too much for my subconscious to handle. When Luna shifts, she brushes my erection. I know she feels it.

“I don’t mind.” I fight to keep my voice even. “Do you want to talk about it or go back to sleep?”

She slides my hand lower over her chest and grinds her ass against me. “I don’t want to talk or go back to sleep.”

My cock twitches. It would be so easy to take her like this. One zipper, one shift of her panties. It would be nothing.

She needs more time. She isn’t ready.

“What do you want then?” My voice sounds huskier than normal.

Luna turns to face me. Her cheeks are flushed as she straddles my hips and settles her ass over my hard length. I can feel every curve of her body through the thin material of my t-shirt.

“I want a distraction.”

I grip her hips. I mean to hold her still, but I slide her against me instead. “You’re not ready. It’s too soon.”

“Says who?” she asks. “I’m ready. I want you, Yakov.”

Fucking hell. “You’re making it hard to do the right thing here.”

“Denying us both what we want isn’t the right thing.” She leans forward and kisses my neck. Her breath is hot against my skin as she whispers, “I’m ready.”

I grip her chin and force her pouty lips away from me. “I’m not touching you until I talk to Dr. Jenkins. I need to know this is safe for you and the baby.”

“Yakov, I’m fine!”

“When those words come from a medical professional, I’ll believe them.”

She’s still straddling me as she sits up and frowns. “You’re really not going to touch me?”

“I’m really not.” No matter how fucking badly I want to.

Her eyebrow arches. I see the idea spark in her eyes. But I don’t understand what it is until she slides down the bed and drags her hands down my thighs. “I didn’t hear anything about me touching you.”

She strokes her hand over the bulge in my pants. I catch my breath and then reach down and catch her wrist.
