Page 60 of Twilight Tears

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Luna is standing there in a blue sundress the same shade as her eyes and I’m half a second away from dropping to one knee right now. Fuck the rest of the night—I know what I want and it’s already right in front of me.

She glances down at herself nervously. “Is this okay? It’s kind of casual, but?—”

“It’s gorgeous.” I climb the stairs and grab her hand. “You’re gorgeous.”

The waist of the dress sits just under her breasts. My attention bounces back and forth from the low-cut neckline to the obvious swell of her stomach.

Fuck, the sight of this woman carrying my child makes my blood stir.

Her cheeks flush pink as we walk downstairs together. “Is it fancy enough?” she asks. “I still have no clue what we’re even doing.”

“That’s good, since it’s a surprise.”

“Good for you, maybe. I’m going out of my mind.” She laughs. “It’s been so long since I’ve gone anywhere that I think I’ve forgotten how.”

In another life, I would have taken Luna everywhere. I lost years of my life escorting women I couldn’t give a fuck less about to galas and weddings and countless other pointless events. It was all a show. A way for people to climb some pathetic social ladder and try to get close to me.

But with Luna on my arm, they wouldn’t have dared get too close.

We would have fucking ruled.

We still will, once Pavel is dead. Then I won’t have to hide her to keep her safe.

Luna tugs on my arm. “Come on, Yakov. Give me a hint.”

“Okay. One hint.” I lead her into the kitchen and stop so we’re facing the patio doors.

All she can see through the doors are the string lights crisscrossing over the patio, but she still gasps. “Yakov!” she breathes. “What is all this?”

“I said one hint. That was it.” I tug her forward.

“Is this all for me? Did you do this?” she asks. “When did you do this? I was out by the pool just a couple hours ago. How did you?—”

Her voice cuts off when we step through the doors.

Lights wind up the base of all the trees around the patio and the usual patio furniture has been swapped out for an intimate table and two chairs. Candles sit in the center of the table, flickering in the breeze.

Luna turns to me with wide eyes. “You did all this for me?”

I shrug. “Are you surprised?”

“Yes… and no.” She loops her arm through mine and smiles up at me. “You keep the romantic part of you hidden pretty dang well, but I still know it’s there.”

I slide her chair in and a server approaches with two champagne flutes between his fingers and a bottle in his other hand. Luna eyes the bottle and looks back to me, concerned.

“Sparkling grape juice,” I whisper.

She stifles a laugh as the waiter pours us each a glass.

Luna smells the first course coming before it even hits the table. “Fresh bread.” She turns to watch the waiter carrying the warm baguette across the patio towards us.

“With honey butter,” I add.

She leans in close, her eyes locked on mine. “Whatever you have planned for the rest of the night, cancel it. You’ve done enough.”

I laugh, but then she takes her first bite of warm bread drenched in softened butter, and I don’t think she was kidding. She moans.

I have to readjust the front of my pants. “You’re making it look like I never feed you.”
