Page 65 of Twilight Tears

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“And I should probably sleep,” I admit. “I’m exhausted.”

“Perfect. You sleep while I go get some work done.”

He starts to slide away from me, but I flip over and reach for him. “You’re leaving?”

“Duty calls.” He strokes a finger down the center of my palm. I feel it everywhere.

“Will you be back when I wake up?” I whine.

“Probably not. But I’ll be back by tonight.”

I stretch my arms over my head, arching my back off the bed. “That’s okay. If I get bored, I’ll use the new toys you got me to keep myself occupied.”

In an instant, Yakov is over top of me, his strong hand banding my throat. “The only time you’re permitted to use those is when I’m there to supervise.”

“Is that an order?” I ask, biting back a smile.

“I can make it a threat if you’re going to test me.”

I stretch up and kiss him. “I’ll be a good girl.”

He exhales harshly and mumbles, “You’re actually going to kill me.”

I watch as he slips out of bed and grabs his clothes for the day. I’ve never seen a more beautiful naked person. Every inch of him is hard and sculpted. He’s like a painting come to life.

I’m going to marry him. The thought sends warmth through my chest and I can’t help but smile.

Yakov stops in the bathroom door. “What are you smiling about?”

“You’re going to be my husband.”

He gives me a rare grin. “Spread the news, if you want. My sister will love to hear I’ve finally proposed. Hope already knows since she helped set things up yesterday, but she was giddy. You can even call Kayla, if you want.”

“Does that mean you trust Kayla now? You don’t think she’s a spy?”

He rolls his eyes. “It means I trust you. If you trust her, then that’s fine by me.”

Yakov says it like it’s not a big deal, but there was a time where I didn’t know if he’d ever trust me, let alone my friends. But here we are, engaged and domestic.

Kayla won’t believe it.

“I don’t believe it,” Kayla gasps. “He proposed to you? Of his own free will?”

I snort. “Do you think I blackmailed him into it or something?”

“Obviously not. He has too much over you. There’s no way you could manipulate him.”

“Would you stop saying everything like that?” I snap. “You’re using emphasis in insulting ways. You were supposed to say, ‘Congratulations, Luna. I’m so happy for you.’”

There’s a long pause. Long enough that I glance down at my phone to make sure Kayla is still on the line.

Finally, she sighs. “I’m happy that you sound so happy.”

Almost, but not quite.

“I don’t just sound happy, Kay. I am happy. I’m thrilled, actually. I love him.”

“I know you do,” she says. “But that doesn’t mean he’s right for you.”
