Page 14 of Corbin's Conflict

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“Because I fuckin’ well know. Mates can’t trick the other without it hurting them.”

“It looked like she was hurt when you took her away,” Big Daddy pointed out.

“We don’t have time for this.” I growl, my nostrils flaring, my wolf ready to jump forward and put them both in their place in order to protect our little Syn. “Karsyn has been through hell and is still recovering from everything she’s damn well endured over the years. Her passing out the way she did is because her body is too damn exhausted for what she did to prove to me she wasn’t fuckin’ playing games and knew what she was talking about.”

“I believe you, Daddy,” Sage whispers, her legs crossing, and she leans into her granddad, arms wrapping around his waist. “I could see.”

Furrowing down at her, I move in close and squat in front of her. “What do you mean you could see?”

“I saw what you saw,” she whispers nervously, glances around, and licks her lips. “I can sometimes see things I shouldn’t. When you took her hand, I saw what you saw. It was like I was seeing through your eyes. It’s always like that.”

“Can you explain that to me, Sage? You see through my eyes?”

“Yeah.” She nods, almost desperately like she doesn’t believe I’ll believe her. “Last night, you went running. You were running through the trees, you didn’t seem happy, and you ran faster, harder than you normally do.”

Blinking at her, shock seeping through my veins. “What else have you seen through my eyes?” I ask her, doing my best not to scare her.

“It’s always been when you’re running. Except when you touched the lady’s hand. Then I saw what you saw.”

“Have you seen through anyone else’s eyes?” I’m not sure what to think of this, but for my daughter to have such a gift is rare. I’ve only heard of stories around this. It’s a wonder why the blood witches would want her. Her sight could be useful to them. More than that, it could be a danger to us all if they got a hold of her.

“I haven’t tried.” The honesty in the words is a sweet relief, that is, until she speaks again. “But I don’t know how to do that. It just usually happens when it wants to.”

“Okay, sweetheart,” I murmur and lean in to kiss her cheek. Rising to my full height, I look to both Cyrus and Big Daddy, giving them the warning without words that this is to go no further. My brothers here at the club already know that what they heard stays within these walls.

Big Daddy nods sharply and lifts Sage into his arms. “We’ll stay here.”

“Good,” I grunt and start for the exit. Time is of the essence more now than ever. With the knowledge I now have, knowing my daughter has a gift of sight, we need to get my niece before it’s too late.

Karsyn and Cyrus’s mate might be the key together, but the two little girls could be used to destroy them all. It’s something I can’t allow to happen not just because it’s my daughter at stake here. Or because Karsyn is my mate. This Death person wants to kill us all, or, at the very least, control shifters in general. If that’s even possible.

“Corbin, wait the fuck up,” Cyrus snarls, fury all but rolling off him in waves matching the scent of rage surrounding him.

“What, Cyrus?” Getting to my bike, I throw a leg over and straddle the beast, ready to feel her rumbling beneath me. When I’m not in my wolf form, this is my other escape, but right now, it’s my way of getting where I need to be.

“What’s the damn plan here?” he demands furiously.

“First, I’m going to the school, catch the fuckin’ scent if Tucker hasn’t already, and go from there. We’re going to find my niece. That’s the damn plan, and if we get to kill any damn blood witches in the process, then that’s a bonus,” I answer him, start my bike, lift the kickstand, and hit the throttle, taking off and leaving him in a swirl of dust to follow behind knowing he’ll catch up.

I’m done talking about it. The time for that is over.

Finding my niece is imperative, just as getting back to my own daughter and Karsyn so I can find out how the hell I’m going to make sure nothing happens to either of them.

Chapter Eight


“Where are you, my beauty?”

The voice filters through my dream as I struggle to push it out as I scream. “Go away. Leave me alone.” Using all my mental strength, I do everything in my power to keep my location from being found. He can’t know where to find me. It’ll put too many lives in danger. I won’t let anyone be hurt because of me, especially the little girl I saw with the tears in her eyes.

Goddesses of earth and moon, those eyes. Their remarkable coloring shows such vibrance and giftedness. Just as her cousin, the one now missing, is.

“You belong to me, Karsyn. I own you, and you know I’ll find you. One way or another. I’ll bring you back where you belong. I will have what I want. The time is almost here. You have until the blood moon peaking to show yourself, my precious.” Death’s misty form sneers before I can finally get him out of my head. But not before he touches me, hands going to my throat, squeezing as he disappears.

My eyes pop open, and I jerk upright, gasping for breath. I lift a hand to my throat, feeling completely disoriented.

“You okay?”
