Page 16 of Corbin's Conflict

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Sage looks at me, eyes shimmering. “Do you think they’ll get her back?”

Wanting to appease the little girl’s soul, I close my eyes and connect with the earth itself, searching for the answers she needs. Darkness surrounds the other little girl, but there’s a light close . . . so close, it is bright enough to keep her from fearing those taunting her. I can’t see much, but I can feel the energy. Something’s coming. The witches are confident in their strength, but they don’t have enough power to take on what’s upcoming.

Two Alphas.

Two that share the same blood.

What makes them rivals also strengthens them in ways they couldn’t comprehend.

Exhausted, I slump back in the chair and open my eyes. Daniel wraps an arm around my shoulders, saying something. But I don’t hear it. My focus is on the little girl across from me.

“They’ll get her back,” I whisper, knowing they’ll get more than just her. They’ll get everything that will mean anything to Cyrus. To him and maybe even Big Daddy himself. It all depends on which path Corbin takes. He and his brother must put aside the anger between each other for the right reasons and let go of the past.

For not just the sake of the girls.

But for everyone else who matters to them all.

For two Alphas, brothers who share blood and strength, together will fight and share the key to defeat the evil surrounding them.

Chapter Nine


“You smell it?” Dane meets my gaze as I follow the foul scent that burns my nose.

There’s nothing that smells as disgusting as a blood witch. It’s enough to make me want to turn my nose upward and gag.

“Yeah, I smell it. It’s the same scent that was on Sage.” Thinking on it now, the faintest foulness I’m willing to bet someone was trying to hide on her.

“They’re going to pay for taking Jazmine,” Cyrus sneers, fury vibrates off him, so much that I would have thought he would shift, but he holds himself from doing so. Several of the shifters in his club met us here and have stayed close by, ready to jump in if Cyrus needs them to. I can see the way my brother is with those who follow him and can respect it. We might have different ways of handling things, but we’re both Alphas and earn the respect of the shifters who follow us. We’re also both hotheads when shit pisses us off.

“Cyrus, chill the fuck out before you fuck everything up.” The growl that rumbles through my chest can be heard by all those in the vicinity. “I don’t need your ass losing your shit right now.” Turning to Tucker and Dane, I step closer to them. “The scent seems to be heading toward the south of town.”

“It’s hard to distinguish with all the other blood witch scents. How can you tell for sure?” Tucker mutters, nostrils flaring, his eyes flashing to that of the leopard that resides inside him.

“The one who left the scent on Sage is the one that goes south.” Explaining isn’t something I prefer to do, but Tucker and Dane are two of the best trackers I know of. They need to know which scent to follow, and they’ll be on the trail faster than any other bastard I know.

Nodding, Tucker glances around, looking for witnesses to what he’s about to do. Redwich might be known for its paranormal side of things, but it also has those who don’t even know we all exist. Because of them, we have to make damn sure to keep them from discovering what we are. To those, we’re just two MCs that share the town.“I’ll find the scent better in this form.”

“I know you will. Now, let’s fuckin’ go,” I command aloud.

Together, we all keep silent, focusing on the foul scent and following it. It would be easier if I shifted as Tucker has, but I need to keep my brother in check, no matter how much he pisses me off and I want to beat the shit out of him. Jazmine needs to have her father unharmed and not weakened by anything, including me.

The trail leads us not just south of town but to the wood line at the county’s edge. It is fitting for it to be here as it’s said to have once been the home of the witches years ago. Before Big Daddy and his father ran them off, killing those who used blood magic against the shifters. The two of them, with the shifters behind them, made Redwich a safe haven for all shifters, and I, for one, intend to keep it that way.

“We’re close.” Tucker’s gravelly voice speaks in my mind.

“Jazmine’s scent is getting stronger,” Cyrus grumbles.

Thankfully, he’d stayed silent this far, but I’ve got a feeling that’s about to change. The pit of my stomach burns, and my instincts are telling me something is not quite right here.

The closer we get, the fainter the smell of the blood witches. There’s another scent that takes its place alongside my niece’s, and it resembles that of Karsyn’s, yet it’s slightly different.

“I’m shifting,” I snarl and allow my wolf free. The air around us shifts, and a snarl leaves my snout.

“Don’t scare my daughter, Corbin,” Cyrus warns, still in human form.

“Like I’d scare my niece.” That’s not even possible. Both my daughter and niece know my wolf as much as they know my brother’s. Big Daddy refused to have it any other way.
