Page 21 of Corbin's Conflict

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From the look in Corbin’s eyes as he locks gazes with me, I don’t think he knows what’s happened either. Or maybe he does. I’m not sure, and honestly, I don’t care.

Long moments pass before the fires dim around us. Not once does Corbin stop watching me with that heated look. I want to say something, but all thoughts leave me altogether.I’m not sure what I should say.

“You’re going to have to explain to me the fire thing, Syn,” he finally states, rolling us until I’m straddling him while he lays underneath me. How he was able to do something as such without leaving me has me baffled. Then again, he’s kind of stuck inside me at the moment.

“Maybe you should explain yourself,” I whisper, lying against his chest.

“It’s called a knot, baby, and it only comes out from a wolf shifter after a mating,” he answers without me asking what I wanted him to explain.

“Is that why you bit me?”

“Yeah.” Grunting he shifts under me, his cock moving inside me, drawing a moan from my lips. “A male shifter bites his mate, and the mark heals, except where the canines embedded. It’ll look like puncture marks, but it’s the marking of my scent that will now permeate your essence that’s the important part of it all. It lets others know you belong to me. My mate.”

I nod, suck in breath, letting those details sink in.

“You gonna tell me about the fire thing?” he demands, his fingers stroking along my spine.

“I’m not sure exactly, but I guess it has something to do with you and me being mates.” Honestly, I don’t know exactly why we were consumed by fire, but I’m not going to apologize for it either. It was magnificent to experience.

“That is because you two are fated mates.”

I jerk up at the woman’s voice. The musical voice is one I’d not heard but a few times in my life. Looking to the side of the bed, I see the shimmering sight of not just one but two women glowing in misty forms.

“Goddesses,” I greet them in a hushed whisper, knowing immediately who they are.

“Karsyn.” Corbin’s body stiffens under mine, and he flattens a hand on my back, holding me to him. “What are you looking at?”

“He can’t see us,” one of the two women says, watching him with a sweet smile. Like one a mother would give to their child.

“Why can’t he?” I blurt out before lowering my gaze. “I mean no disrespect, my goddess.”

“None taken, Karsyn, and to answer your question, it’s because he doesn’t know the truth yet. Just as his father never knew.”

“What truth doesn’t he know?”

“Who are you talking to, Karsyn?” Corbin demands, seeming frustrated. “What the hell is going on here?”

“Such a temper on him.” The Moon Goddess sighs. “He’s a stubborn one but fierce. An Alpha who will protect you and his daughter both. He’ll keep you safe.”

“It is why we’re here, my sweet child,” the other woman announces. I knew immediately she was the Earth Goddess. She’s beautiful, and you can see the earthy aura surrounding her even in the misty glow. “Now that you two have found each other, the battle is only beginning. You must warn Corbin.”

“Warn Corbin of what?” I ask, not understanding. “What battle? Do you mean what’s coming from Death?”

“Yes,” the Moon Goddess answers. “Death is out for vengeanceas well as power. He’s not happy to have lost you so easily, but he also wants something more.”

“What does he want?” None of this makes sense.

“Death’s name was once that of a man’s. He once went by Victor, Victor Wulfsige. Tell Corbin the name, and he’ll understand more of what’s going on. He won’t be in the dark then,” the Earth Goddess states.

“Victor Wulfsige,” I whisper, my lip trembling.

“The fuck.” Corbin snarls.

“Yes.” The Moon Goddess nods. “Corbin will take care of it. It is up to him to handle this part as it is his brother’s to take on his own fate. The future changes constantly with choices made. You know this well, Karsyn, but what you don’t know is with each change, the past always has a way of coming to the present. Remember that. The past never dies. Not truly. Yours and Corbin’s paths has changed as has that of Cyrus and his mate’s. You must take on Death as they have their own journey.”

“But I don’t understand . . . what of the key?”

The Earth Goddess smiles brightly and steps forward, cupping my cheeks in both hands. “The key has been placed in the keeper’s hands. Both you and Harmony are where you need to be. The fire . . . my child, that was the seal that bonds you to your wolf. You not only mated with Corbin, but you’ve also merged with the one within you. You will never be able to truly shift, but you are no longer two halves but whole.”
