Page 13 of Killer Sins

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As the conversation segued into jargon she didn’t comprehend—something about rucking and heavy reps—she felt even more isolated. What was she doing here, surrounded by rugged, capable strangers, hundreds of miles from home?

Before despair could overwhelm her, she squared her shoulders. However she felt inside, her outside armor was intact. She could do this. With her best courtroom confidence, she strode back into the fray.

Tai’s sharp eyes tracked her entrance. “That shirt can’t be warm enough for this weather. Paige or Kate’ll have an extra jacket if you need it.”

The offer made her bristle, even as it touched her. She forced an indifferent shrug. “I’ll manage.” Not that she planned on being in this tiny town long enough to need new clothes.

His eyes narrowed, seeing through her nonchalance.

Mortified heat crept up her neck.

Head high, she claimed a spot on the leather sofa beside Kate. At least here no one could see her shiver. She’d fake it till she made it through this nightmare. Starting now. She perched stiffly on the end of the couch, trying not to shiver and prepared to help make a plan to go after her tormentor. “How do we go after Victor?”

Graham leaned forward, bushy brows drawn together. “You aren’t going anywhere, kid. You’ll be safe here, at the ranch, until we’ve got this clown in custody.”

Irritation flared. Did he think she was helpless? “I’m not going into hiding. I have a life, a career?—”

“Not anymore. Not until we stop this idiot.” Graham’s tone brooked no argument. “The man plans to kill you. You’ll stay here where we can protect you.”

How dare he presume to order her around after being absent her whole life? She opened her mouth to blister him with a scathing retort. Of course, she’d agree not to put herself in danger. She had no intention of making things dangerous for Graham or his friends. But they couldn’t cut her out. She wouldn’t stand for that.

“You’ll only compromise our operation.” Tai’s dark gaze slid to Graham before returning to her. “Nothing personal, but civilians get in the way on missions like this. Trust me.”

The blunt words doused her temper. And served as a very clear reminder of her place here. Still, however infuriating Graham was, snarling at him––or his overgrown sidekick–– wouldn’t improve matters.

She took a slow breath. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” The apology nearly stuck in her throat, but she forced it out. Years of experience placating judges and opposing counsel, sometimes even her own clients, came to her rescue. “What do you suggest?” she asked, without even a hint of sarcasm.

Tai’s expression registered surprise, then softened into approval. “Our place here has top-notch security. No one’s gonna penetrate our defenses. You’ll be comfortable here until we neutralize the threat.”

Comfortable under virtual house arrest. How lovely. Not that she had much choice, at this point. She’d approached Graham, and this was his solution. She’d just have to live with it.

Squaring her shoulders, she gave a single sharp nod. “Fine. I’ll stay out of your way.” She slanted a look at Graham. “Wouldn’t want to compromise anything.”

Her father looked back, clearly wary. Huh. The old Marine was obviously more perceptive than she’d given him credit for. Note to self.

Tai glanced from her to Graham, tactfully changing the subject. “Who’s up for tea?”

As he headed to the kitchen, Tenaya sagged into the cushions. Playing nice was exhausting, but a fragile peace was better than open war. She could do this——adapt, make the effort.

If Tai could offer an olive branch, so could she.

Tai returned, handing her a steaming mug. The heat seeped into her chilled fingers as she murmured her thanks.

She took a bracing sip of fragrant tea, and a new worry blasted her. Heart pounding, she bolted upright. “My parents! We need to get security on my family right away. If Victor tracked me here...” She couldn’t finish the thought.

Graham leaned forward, expression gentle. “Already done.”

She looked from Bridger to Tai. Tai nodded. “We’ve tapped another team. Knight Tactical. They specialize in personal protection.”

Paige, the team’s cute cyber-security specialist looked up from her laptop. “There’s nobody better. Seriously. They’re setting up remote monitoring on your parents and both of your brothers. Your office, too. As soon as they’ve got their feeds up, I’ll have access. We can monitor your folks in real time.”

“Thank you.” Tenaya sank back. The overstuffed couch enveloped her like a hug. “This all happened so fast… I haven’t told my parents yet.” She set down her tea on a side table and threaded her fingers together, concentrating on the small task so she didn’t burst into tears. “I didn’t want to worry them.” And she couldn’t bring herself to actually say the words. Mom. Dad. There’s a killer stalking me…

“Makes sense,” Tai said.

She blinked. Was he actually defending her?

He shrugged. “Chances are this creep has no idea how to find them. The Knight Tactical team won’t contact your family unless it becomes necessary. Sort of a no harm, no foul kinda deal. You follow?”
