Page 20 of Killer Sins

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“He understands more than you know,” Tai said cryptically.

Tenaya studied his broad silhouette. Graham didn’t understand the first thing about her. But Tai had made his opinion of his mentor more than clear. Voicing her disagreement would only start an argument she didn’t have the energy to win.

Tai tilted his head toward the house. “Come on back inside where it’s warm. We’ll figure this out, one step at a time. What’s meant to be will always find a way.”

She had to bite back a laugh at the old timey saying coming from the mouth of a rugged warrior. “You sound like my grandmother,” she said before she could think better of it.

But the man merely grinned, a sweet yet completely masculine expression that literally made her weak in the knees. A shock, under the circumstances. Finding Tai Kaholo attractive in any possible way would only complicate her life.

“It’s a gift,” he said.

She’d just bet. Weariness seeped into her bones. Her limbs felt leaden, as if she’d aged a hundred years in mere moments. The frigid night air bit at her cheeks, numbing them.

Suddenly the front door, ablaze with warm light, looked terribly inviting.

She was so very tired of fighting alone. Of being the strong, independent woman battling the world by herself. The weight of that armor felt too heavy to bear any longer.

All she wanted was to lay it down for a little while. To lean her full weight against someone steady and sure.

Tai stood rock solid beside her, exuding calm capability. Without conscious thought, she swayed toward him, yearning for even a fraction of his strength.

He held out a hand.

She thought about reaching for it, but the lawyer in her rallied. “What’s your angle here?”

Tai withdrew his hand, his dark eyebrows shooting up. “Excuse me?”

“The solicitous gentleman routine,” Tenaya said. “It doesn’t track after you’ve given me the cold shoulder since I got here.”

She wasn’t sure he was going to answer her, but finally he said, “Yeah. Fine. I haven’t been particularly...welcoming. But that changes now.”

Tenaya scoffed lightly. “Just like that? Why the sudden change of heart?”

“Because Graham cares about you. And I care about him.”

“So it’s obligation.”

His eyes bored into hers. “That’s not it at all.”

“Then what?” she challenged. “You want me to stay put, be a good little client? Keep me under control?”

“I want you to be safe,” he gritted out.

They stood frozen for a taut moment, gazes locked, hands shoved deep in their pockets. The frigid air fogged between them.

Finally he shook his head, his rigid posture easing. “Look, you’ve got every right to be wary. But I give you my word, I just want what’s best here.” He tilted his head toward the house again. “So, enough questions. Let’s get back inside.”

She searched his craggy features, looking for any hint of deception. But she found only sincerity in his dark steady eyes.

“I just gotta say one thing,” he admitted. “You were too hard on Graham earlier.”

Tenaya bristled, biting back a sharp retort. She forced herself to simply nod in acknowledgement.

“The man’s been our mentor. We’re probably only still alive because of him. Because of what he taught us,” Tai continued gently. “The man is a true patriot. Taught me everything about honor and duty.”

She dug her nails into her palms, clamping her lips shut. She didn’t have Tai’s strength or skills, but words were her weapons. She could out-argue anyone.

She had to restrain herself from verbally tearing his head off.
